If you are a Christian, you have been given “eyes to see and ears to hear,” but what if you refuse to use them? Those “eyes and ears” are the presence of God himself living within you.
What if you refuse to use God’s “eyes and ears” to discern the world around you? Have you not taken that talent the Master has given you and buried it in the ground, awaiting His return? Do you remember the response:
“Then the man who had received one bag of gold came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. So I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.’
“His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant!” (Matthew 25: 24-26 NIV)
Among the great deluge of nonsense flowing from the pulpits of Christian churches in America and out into the sanctuary on Sundays around election time is this: God ordains a nation’s rulers; therefore, there is no need for you to vote.
In the days of Rome and Nero, there weren’t many popular elections. The gift of self-government we are blessed with came at tremendous cost. But it does place a civic choice before each of us – and demands our participation in the outcome. If you have been given the “eyes and ears” of discernment, you have been given a tremendously valuable talent. Do you really expect to hear, “well done, thou good and faithful servant,” when you bury that talent in your backyard?
God gave you that talent because He expected you to use it for the increase of His Kingdom. He doesn’t expect you to beat your neighbor or coworker over the head until he or she converts to Christianity. But given the choice at election time, He does expect you to work to maintain an atmosphere where such conversations are permissible along with the rest of what is thought of as free speech in America.
If you are faced with a choice between a candidate whose actions – whether intentional or unintentional – have contributed to Islamic intolerance and the murder of Christians around the world, and the suppression of Christianity here at home, do you somehow imagine that He intends for you to give that candidate even more power in the next election?
“It wasn’t me, Master! I didn’t vote!”
“You wicked, lazy servant. … Take his talent and give it to the one who has ten.”
God is not inclined to override human free will. He didn’t do so in the Garden of Eden, and he is unlikely to do so in the voting booth in America. To the contrary, God sets choices before us as individuals every day. He also sets choices before nations, which are collections of individuals. God expects us to use His “eyes and ears” to discern the best choice from among those those set before us, and to exercise that choice.
God desires only good for each of us, but if we expect Him to override our poor choices – which result in evil for ourselves, our fellow believers, our nation and indeed the entire world – then we expect too much of God. We expect Him to violate His own principles and to annul human free will.
If we don’t vote for an end to corruption, we vote for its increase.
If we don’t vote for the rule of law, we vote for an untouchable elite who will ruin the nation and use the fruit of men’s and women’s work and lives as in Pharaoh’s Egypt, as if it were their own personal piggy bank.
If we don’t vote for a sound economy, founded on the dignity that comes from honest work, then we are voting to perpetuate crony capitalism, favoritism for the elite and for dependence that will perpetuate the welfare mentality, which has destroyed the lives of so many that live in our inner cities.
One need look no further than Venezuela to see the outcome:
Do you honestly think that joining crowds in the street, protesting the government because there is no food and standing against soldiers armed with machine guns is easier than voting? It is easier to prevent evil from taking hold than it is to remove it once its tentacles are entwined in government.
If you believe that those of us who are here today are here as the result of a random accident, that this nation exists at this particular place and time by chance, then you are free to vote your own self-interest, as if nothing else matters. Because for you, it doesn’t.
If, however, you have been given God’s “eyes and ears” and the spirit of discernment, then you are bound to exercise your talent for the increase of God’s Kingdom. It’s called being “salt and light.” It is the duty and responsibility of every believer in every age to be “salt and light,” because you were bought with a price.
Why would you be the servant with the single talent buried in the dirt? He never even asked his Master for guidance. He simply didn’t want to think about it. And he received his just reward for his actions. God invested the talent elsewhere. Like it or not, that is God’s economy.
But then you already knew that, if you have “eyes to see and ears to hear.”
How does God act supernaturally?
Media wishing to interview Craige McMillan, please contact [email protected].