PA’s Mahmoud Abbas: KGB man

By Around the Web

(Jerusalem Post) — Cannel 1’s report Wednesday that in 1983, current Palestinian Authority Chairman and PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas served as a KGB agent is hardly the story of the year, but it does remind us of certain half-forgotten facts about the Cold War that are becoming ever more relevant today.

The PLO’s close and servile relationship with the KGB was first exposed in a systematic way in 1987, with the publication of Red Horizons: Chronicles of a Communist Spy Chief, the exposé of Soviet and Romanian Cold War operations written by former Romanian intelligence chief Lt.-Gen. Ion Pacepa. Pacepa, who defected to the US in 1978 after serving as the head of the DIE – Romania’s KGB – was the highest ranking intelligence officer from the Soviet bloc to ever defect.

If voters choose wrongly this November, America faces a “Looming Disaster.” That’s the title – and message – of the powerful new e-book about the upcoming U.S. presidential election by top Soviet-bloc defector Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, author of the acclaimed book, “Disinformation.” WND, which published “Disinformation,” has arranged with Pacepa and co-author Prof. Ronald Rychlak to provide a FREE download of “Looming Disaster” to every WND reader requesting one.

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