It is clear to anyone who cares about the security of the U.S. and our loyal and patriotic citizens: The despotic Clintons, along with a number of co-conspirators they call “aides,” were stealing and selling U.S. secrets using the Internet to transfer secret documents and e-messages to enemies of the U.S. And hostile companies used the cover of Bill’s mundane, old and useless speeches to foreign enemies and hostile companies of the U.S. to camouflage huge payments for U.S. classified and secret documents and e-messages using the Internet to receive payment for secrets via electronic transfer of funds to the Clinton Family Foundation. It’s a clear case of modern-day espionage.
For this alone, the Clintons should be tried for treason and espionage along with all of their co-conspirators. All the proof needed is available to convict them all, and there is no diplomatic immunity since they are all civilians or simply employees with no immunity from prosecution for espionage and treason against the United States of America.
Al Barrs