America is in serious danger. Unless Donald Trump comes up with his own narratives the leftist media is going to win the battle for Hillary.
The American people need to realize that the U.S. is suffering a media coup; all dictatorships/communist governments came into power with exactly the same method – the media fought the election for them.
Every time Hillary gets exposed by WikiLeaks, the Clinton-Media-White House alliance comes up with a new narrative to take the attention off Hillary’s incompetence. With the latest one, that “Russia wants to influence the election,” they even used Biden to be the messenger. If Russia is really guilty and the U.S. is going to counterattack, why tell the world and so warn Russia beforehand?
If Hillary Clinton gets elected, the America that we know will be gone forever. America will become a socialist state like Venezuela. The borders will be thrown open, and immigrants will stream into the U.S. All standards will drop. Violence will go sky high. The Republican Party will never get into power again.
The latest fire bombing of the GOP building in North Carolina is a typical example of left-wing intimidation. Trump needs to hammer this in.