A Trump cheat sheet for big debate

By Joseph Farah

I suppose I could call this column in to the campaign managers for Donald Trump.

Most of them have been friends of mine for between 10 and 30 years.

But this is a frenetic time for them.

So I thought I would commit my thoughts on the big debate to this space in hopes it would be printed out for Mr. Trump in time to give him some ammo for Sunday night.

  • Talk to the American people, not Hillary, not the moderator and not the audience in the house. No matter what the question is, tell them this: “If you are happy about the direction of the country and Washington, D.C., over the last 27 years, don’t vote for me. I’m the candidate representing a change in direction. My opponent is the candidate of stay-the-course, business-as-usual, even hit the accelerator. If you like your country being $20 trillion in debt, you’ll love it in $25 trillion in debt, which is where it will be in four years if you elect Hillary Clinton. If you like your borders wide open and if you want to import 500 percent more people from terrorist enclaves, if you want higher taxes and more regulation and less personal freedom, vote for my opponent. If, on the other hand, you want more jobs, more prosperity, more freedom and for America to rediscover its greatness, I’m your man.” It’s that simple.
  • Tell Americans how much you love America – this unique experiment in liberty, the greatest country in the history of the world and how you want to see it committed to peace through strength, equal justice for all and freedom for everyone, no matter their race, color, gender or creed.
  • Be prepared for the gotcha questions and be ready to turn them around on the accusers. When they inevitably ask you to apologize for questioning Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president as a “natural-born citizen,” don’t say Hillary was the first “birther.” That’s not exactly accurate. The first birther was Barack Obama. It took Obama from 1991 until 2007, the year he decided to run for president, to tell his literary agent for his 1995 book, “Dreams From My Father,” to stop using a biography that claimed he was born in Kenya. Apparently when it was cool to be foreign born, Obama was happy to claim it. Look it up. When it became politically inexpedient to do so, he decided to correct the record. He also took until 2011 to produce his long-form birth certificate despite calls for him to do so for three years of his presidency.

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  • Look into the camera when you are talking to the American people.
  • Remember your target audience is not the tens of millions who already support you, but the tens of millions of undecided voters, those thinking about voting for third-party candidates and even those who think, God forbid, they will vote for Hillary.
  • Don’t defend yourself. Take a cue from Mike Pence and use your time to attack Hillary and tell America what you will do to make their country better and stronger.
  • Control the debate. Don’t get angry. Stick to your game plan.
  • Remember what’s at stake – the future of the country you love.
  • This is one of your last chances to address an audience of this size before Election Day. Make it count. Make every word count, every smile, every joke, every facial expression.
  • Don’t brag. Everyone knows your accomplishments, whether they want to admit it or not. You’re a multi-billionaire entrepreneur and successful businessman. But it’s not about you. It’s about the future of America now.
  • Think of the little people across America who haven’t been as fortunate as you – people who are suffering because of this economy – and how you can help them improve their lives and the lives of their children and grandchildren.
  • Take a little quiet time before the debate – all by yourself – and thank God for all He has done for you in your life, all the wealth and happiness He has bestowed upon you. Tell Him, and mean it, that if He gives you victory in this election that you will regularly talk to Him and listen to what He tells you about right and wrong. Give honor and praise to Him.

That’s my simple advice.

And, oh yeah, kick butt!

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Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.

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