An October surprise for the ages

By Burt Prelutsky

I must confess I was caught completely flatfooted by James Comey’s announcement that Hillary Clinton isn’t out of the woods yet, and that those incriminating emails just might bite her where it hurts the most.

I would like to think that I was the cause. After all, I had written to FBI Director Comey several months ago to congratulate him on seeming to take his investigative duties seriously. He even wrote back to thank me. I then wrote him a second time, suggesting that the Bureau shake a leg because Hillary had garnered her party’s nomination and the voters deserved to know the results of the investigation before they cast their ballots. He didn’t write back that time, but within a week or so he famously announced that although she had played fast and loose with our nation’s security, he saw nothing that rose to the level of a crime.

That was when I let him know that he had disappointed me and millions of other Americans who had mistakenly taken him at face value. He might look and sound as honest as young Jimmy Stewart, but he was clearly as corrupt as anyone else in Washington who was drawing a federal salary.

We may never know whether or not my letting him know I felt betrayed caused this sudden pivot. But it doesn’t matter. I am ready to apologize. All is forgiven. Thanks to James Comey, this is the best Halloween ever. For once, the trick is on Mrs. Clinton, and the treats are reserved for the rest of us.

What’s more, the timing could hardly be better, coming as the announcement did, a scant 11 days before the election. Democrats are in a panic. Will she drop out? Will the Muslim-pandering Tim Kaine have to carry the ball into the end zone? Is there a way to replace her with Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders or Michelle Obama? Are there snow flurries in Hades?

What makes Hillary Clinton so contemptible is her arrogance, her greed and her blatant lust for power. But what makes her such a danger to America are, as with Barack Obama, her leftist policies. After all, when asked at the Vegas debate what she would look for in a Supreme Court justice, she replied it would be a person who would do what the American people want done. By that, she obviously meant those Americans who would vote for her. The rest of us want Congress to do what we want done; what we ask of the Supreme Court is that they interpret to the best of their ability exactly what the founders meant when they created the Constitution. It was no accident that she neglected to even mention the sacred document.

The nine justices are not there to legitimize what leftists like to call social justice. It is not to place a thumb – no matter how well-intentioned a thumb – on the scales. Lady Justice is always shown wearing a blindfold. It’s not, as liberals seem to believe, a fashion statement. It’s meant to symbolize that, ideally, justice is determined by the facts, not by the race, religion, gender or financial circumstances of the plaintiff or the defendant.

I don’t know if the announcement that the FBI is once again delving into Mrs. Clinton’s emails will have any effect, but the night before Comey’s statement, I was flabbergasted to see a poll that indicated that 70 percent of the voting public considered Hillary Clinton dishonest and untrustworthy. What was shocking about the poll is that despite everything we’ve learned about Benghazi, the private server and the Clinton Foundation, 30 percent of the public still believed her to be honest.

Where, I asked myself, were these people when I was still playing poker?

I know that even now millions of people, including so-called Republicans, won’t be able to bring themselves to vote for Donald Trump. People like George Will, Michael Medved, Mark Kirk, Charles Krauthammer, Mitt Romney, Rich Lowry, Jonah Goldberg and the Bushes don’t think he has the mature judgment to be president. But I say if their alternative is to stand by and allow someone as openly corrupt as Hillary Clinton, a candidate who has vowed to double-down on Obama’s putrid policies, win the election, it’s they who lack the mature judgment required of people electing a president.

What’s more, I wish these morons would quit calling themselves Republicans, because they’re embarrassing the rest of us.

For all his faults, Donald Trump got wealthy building hotels and golf resorts. The Clinton clan got rich off bribes disguised as charitable contributions and speaking fees.

In one of those ironies of life, while looking up a word in the dictionary, I came across “podesta.” It had never occurred to me that it was anything but the last name of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta. But apparently when the word isn’t capitalized, it’s the title Italian mayors had in fascist Italy under Mussolini. Considering his current duties and the person on whose behalf he carries them out, it seems a job and title to which he is almost too well suited.

The only thing better would have been to find “clinton” in the dictionary, spelled with a small “C” and defined as a small slimy creature that lives under rocks and feeds on insects, small rodents and money.

With such a short time until the election, I, not the most religious of people, have taken to praying more often than a Muslim. If despite everything we know about her, Hillary Clinton manages to move back into the White House, the electorate will have shown themselves to be tens of millions of Fifth Columnists, the enemy within, a cancer from which no republic can ever successfully defend itself.

The event would be so tragic and of such monumental proportions that I envision there would be a mad dash to stores carrying yahrzeit candles.

For those among you unfamiliar with that particular item, it’s a 24-hour candle lit by observant Jews on the anniversary of the death of family members, but also on Yom Kippur and on Holocaust Remembrance Day.

In the book of Proverbs 20:27, it is written: “The soul of man is a candle of the Lord.”

If Hillary Clinton becomes our president, I suggest it would behoove us all, patriotic Jew and gentile alike, to light a giant yahrzeit candle on Nov. 8, 2016, in loving memory of America.

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Media wishing to interview Burt Prelutsky, please contact [email protected].

Burt Prelutsky

Burt Prelutsky has been a humor columnist for the L.A. Times, a movie critic for Los Angeles magazine and a freelance writer for TV Guide, Modern Maturity, the New York Times and Sports Illustrated. His latest book is entitled ""Barack Obama, You're Fired! (And Don't Bother Asking for a Recommendation)." Read more of Burt Prelutsky's articles here.

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