Double drat! Hillary skates again

By WND Staff

Millions of responsible Americans who find it virtually impossible to stomach the lies and anti-American crimes committed by Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton crawled out of bed in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, Oct. 4, in eager anticipation of being treated to devastating disclosures about criminal acts committed by Clinton, said disclosures reportedly so toxic as to guarantee an immediate end to Clinton’s bid for the presidency, currently scheduled to be decided at the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 8.

No one knew for sure exactly what to expect, only that a weird-looking fellow named Julian Assange, patriarch of an equally weird underground organization called Wikileaks, promised to leak secrets about Hillary Clinton so damaging to her already-tattered reputation that she would be immediately taken into custody by law enforcement, followed shortly thereafter by abrupt withdrawal from the presidential sweepstakes.

Obama-weary conservatives waxed optimistic that Hillary’s demise would result in congressional action to award the White House keys to the lone standing candidate, the irrepressible and hardly humble Republican, Donald J. Trump.

Unfortunately for The Donald and his warriors, Julian Assange went wobbly at the knees and announced to the world that he would release the Hillary crime dossier, not that day as expected, but over a 10-week period.

With just five weeks left until the election, the planned death of Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations was put on hold indefinitely, and the elaborate plans for Donald Trump inaugural balls were canceled.

The “October Surprise,” it turns out, was actually about the demise of Julian Assange – and the continued political viability of Hillary Rodham Clinton!

Drat and double drat!

John W. Lillpop

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