Hillary: Face of a sociopath

By WND Staff

That wasn’t a debate Sunday night; it was a showpiece for sociopathic behavior. It wasn’t just that Hillary Clinton wants to be president but dressed like a slob for the debate, it was that no matter what was said, she had the same expression on her face.

It was bizarre to see Trump call her a liar to her face, say that she is full of hatred in her heart, level truth after truth at her – and she NEVER showed any emotion. She didn’t flinch when he told her that he’d appoint a special prosecutor to investigate her crimes if he becomes president. She came back with the same smile, the same superior affect, and blatantly and smoothly told lie after lie.

One of the trademarks of a sociopath is the ability to tell a lie believably. If you didn’t know that all the things she said were lies, you would fall for her and think she was a fine, intelligent and coherent person. I worked as an RN in jails for six years and dealt with hundreds of sociopaths. I have never seen a better display. Clinton was so smooth, so unemotional, so confident that anything she said would be swallowed.

What that indicates is a coldness, a lack of emotion internally, a calculated and practiced ability to create a mask of believability to her lies. It clearly upset Trump. His posture walking off the stage and greeting his family was extremely tense – anger generated by someone who simply didn’t care what he said.

“Hellery” has the trait of a sociopath that people have the same value as objects; they are things to be used. She has the same regard for people as she does a toaster. She knows how to manipulate and use the right words, eye contact and expressions to gain people’s confidence. But if she wants to sell 400 shoulder-fired missiles to Muslims and you request better security 600 times and then are attacked, you become expendable like those men in Benghazi.

At the debate Trump devastated Clinton after a slow start. And her walking around parroting lies when she knew they were lies, the audience knew they were lies, and she obviously knew they knew she was lying but kept right on saying them, tells you what she is loud and clear.

You may complain about the “moderators”; you might complain about several other things, but to me all that fades behind this horror, this cold, emotionless monster that wants absolute power over America. Oh my God.

Sunday you witnessed something significant, and it left me with nightmares. Clinton would have the same smile on her face if Iran launched a missile and it killed a million people. Tonight you saw a sociopath in action. Your future means absolutely nothing to her.

Trump must win.

Bob Schatan

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