ISIS terror cell found in Jerusalem planning attacks

By Around the Web

(Agence France-Presse) Israel’s Shin Bet domestic security service and Jerusalem Police uncovered a terrorist cell run by the Islamic State group in East Jerusalem that planned to carry out attacks across Israel, the Shin Bet cleared for publication Sunday.

Six residents from the Shoafat refugee camp and the neighborhood of Anata are accused of establishing an IS terror cell, attempting to reach Egypt or Syria to join IS fighters, and of planning to carry out terror attacks in Israel on behalf of the group. with attempting to join the Islamic State.

Indictments were filed against four members of the squad Sunday morning at the Jerusalem District Court, while indictments were filed in the Magistrate’s Court against two other squad members. The group members face charges of attempting to aid an enemy during war, membership in an illegal organization, membership in a terror organization, and aiding a terror group.

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