NEW YORK – The extreme brutality unleashed by the mercenaries and Islamic fighters who joined Libyan-based jihadists to oust leader Moammar Gadhafi with the backing of Hillary Clinton’s State Department and NATO is demonstrated in three videos released to WND.
The videos, obtained through a trusted source, were vetted by Libyan tribal parliamentary leaders who spoke to WND. The Libyans verified the videos were taken in Libya in the weeks after the U.S.-backed NATO bombing that began in 2011.
As WND has reported, Clinton’s State Department had decided to rebuff offers Gadhafi had made to abdicate peacefully and avoid a war. And, meanwhile, Politico reported Tuesday the Obama administration is moving to drop charges against an arms dealer who had threatened to expose Hillary Clinton’s determination to arm anti-Gadhafi rebels.
The Libyan tribal parliamentary leaders, in an exclusive Skype interview published by WND on Sept. 21, characterized Clinton as the “Butcher of Libya.” They contended her State Department was “behind the terrorist groups controlling Libya, Ansar al-Sharia, behind the militia in Misurata who destroyed a great part of Libya and displaced 2 million people from their lands because they were accused of being loyal to Gadhafi.”
Readers are cautioned that the three videos published here are shockingly graphic.
The first video shows a group of unidentified foreign mercenaries and terrorists interrogating a half-naked soldier from Gadhafi’s army, who is lying prone on his stomach, with his arms and legs spread, while his interrogators simulate sodomy with a weapon and a boot.
Violent interrogation:
[jwplayer IEOITMoN]
The Libyans who viewed the 19 second video for WND were unable to identify the soldier or the people involved in the incident.
They translated the soldier repeatedly pleading, “I don’t know,” as his tormentors fired questions at him.
Radicals execute Gadhafi POWs:
[jwplayer XI3jF00x]
In the second video, about five minutes long, the opposition fighters interrogate a group of five or six soldiers of various ages and rank from Gadhafi’s military, most of whom are in military uniform, along with two prisoners wearing civilian sweaters. The civilians were apprehended because they were considered Gadhafi sympathizers, working with his military.
The captive Gadhafi soldiers sat on a couch while their interrogators stood above, peppering them with apparently accusatory questions.
The Libyan locals viewing the video for WND said the soldiers being interrogated repeatedly denied knowing anything. The interrogators complained the POWs were not cooperating.
In the final approximately 30 seconds of the video, the POWs are executed, apparently shot in the back of the head, lying prone on the ground with their hands tied behind their backs.
A notice at the end of the video indicates it was first broadcast on in Bahrain.
Mob violence in Benghazi prior to Sept. 11, 2011:
[jwplayer FyZzpYFR]
The third video, approximately three minutes in length, shows an anti-Gadhafi mob pulling a Gadhafi government official from a window.
Once pulled out of the window and possibly unconscious, the government official is stripped to the waist, with blood on his back suggesting he was beaten inside the building.
The government official, lying on his stomach on the ground, with his hands and arms outstretched and possibly bound, is stabbed to death by various members of the mob, who take turns stabbing his head, shoulders and back.
The video demonstrates that before the attack on Sept. 11, 2011, in Benghazi in which Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed, there was visual evidence the “protests” in Benghazi had become violent.
As attorney Victoria Toensing, formerly the chief counsel for the Senate Intelligence Committee and a deputy attorney general in the Reagan administration, pointed out in a Wall Street Journal commentary June 17, 2014, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had personal responsibility under federal law to review the requests coming from Benghazi asking for additional security in the days prior to the attack.
Toensing noted that Hillary Clinton said in an interview with ABC ‘s Diane Sawyer, “I was not making security decisions” about Benghazi, claiming “it would be a mistake” for “a secretary of state” to “go through all 270 posts” and “decide what should be done.”
Toensing also noted that at a January 2013 Senate hearing, Clinton said that security requests “did not come to me.”
“I did not approve them. I did not deny them,” Clinton said.
Her answers did not take into consideration her responsibility under federal law, Toensing argued.
“Does the former secretary of state not know the law?” Toensing asked. “By statute, she was required to make specific security decisions for defenseless consulates like Benghazi, and was not permitted to delegate them to anyone else.”
Toensing pointed out the Secure Embassy Construction and Counterterrorism Act of 1999, or Secca, was passed in response to the near-simultaneous bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on Aug. 7, 1998, in which thousands were injured and 220 people were killed, including 12 Americans.
“Mrs. Clinton either personally waived these security provisions as required by law or she violated the law by delegating the waiver to someone else,” Toensing concluded. “If it was the latter, she shirked the responsibility she now disclaims: to be personally knowledgeable about and responsible for the security in a consulate as vulnerable as Benghazi.”
Hillary rebuffed Gadhafi abdication
WND reported that as the allied bombing of Libya began in 2011, the Obama administration rejected an offer by Gadhafi to abdicate in a deal to be brokered by Rear Adm. Chuck Kubrick with AFRICOM in Stuttgart, Germany, in March 2011.
WND also reported the Obama White House and the State Department under the management of Hillary Clinton “changed sides in the war on terror” in 2011 by implementing a policy of facilitating the delivery of weapons to the al-Qaida-dominated rebel militias in Libya attempting to oust Gadhafi from power, the Citizens Commission on Benghazi concluded in a report.
The Obama administration also rebuffed the efforts of former Rep. Curt Weldon to negotiate with Moammar Gadhafi an offer to step down, WND reported.
Weldon, who served as vice-chairman of the Armed Services Committee and the House Homeland Security Committee, told WND of his private trip to Tripoli in April 2011.
“Was Gadhafi prepared to leave office?” Weldon asked rhetorically. “Absolutely, unequivocally, without any doubt in my mind, Gadhafi was ready to leave office. There were no other conditions except he wanted to leave Libya with what he called ‘dignity.’”
Video proof of arms transfer
WND published visual proof of Clinton’s State Department secretly provided weapons to radical Islamic jihadists in Libya in an effort to support the U.S.-backed NATO bombing in 2011.
In one of the videos published by WND, Moussa Ibrahim, Gadhafi’s information minister and official spokesman, displayed to reporters in 2011 a cache of weapons and ammunition seized from a ship from Qatar intercepted by the Libyan Coast Guard off Libya’s coast.
The video matched a report of Qatari military equipment seized in mid-April 2011. Anthony Bell and David Witter of the Institute for the Study of War, in their October 2011 publication “The Libyan Revolution: Stalemate & Siege, Part 3,” said the shipments “consisting of bulletproof vests, helmets and ammunition were bound for the rebels besieged in Misrata.”
“Though his shipment was unannounced, Qatari Prime Minister al-Thani alluded to arming the rebels just days before the crates appeared,” they wrote.
In the first meeting of the Libya Contact Group – an international collective formed to support the overthrow of Gadhafi and a transition government – al-Thani stated that assistance to the rebels could include “all other needs, including defense equipment.”
“It is time to help the Libyan people defend themselves and to defend the Libyan people,’” the Qatari leader said April 13, 2011.
The second video and the various still photographic evidence obtained by WND show a wide assortment of captured weapons that were being transported in crates clearly marked “State of Qatar, Qatar Armed Forces, Doha, Qatar.”
On Monday, reported Clinton “personally nixed a peace deal in Libya that would have led to free elections and prevented the country being seized by ISIS, because of a personal vendetta she had with Gadhafi, according to Dr. Kilari Anand Paul, a global peace ambassador originally from India who is now a naturalized U.S. citizen.”
The report said other Middle Eastern nations after the fall of Gadhafi “rushed to make substantial donations to the Clinton Foundation, fearful that they would be the next victims of Hillary’s wrath.”