Sons of Sunni immigrants bring death to America

By William Murray

The Obama administration has laid the ground work for a Hillary Clinton administration to increase the total number of refugees admitted into the United States during the 2017 fiscal year to 110,000 – a 57.2 percent increase from the 69,933 in 2015 and a 29.4 percent increase from the 2016 target of 85,000. The fiscal year runs from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

Of the 85,000 “refugees” Obama admitted in the 2016 fiscal year, 12,587 are from Syria. That is 15 percent more than the 10,000 Syrians Obama said he would bring in during the fiscal year – and the final count is not in.

State Department Refugee Processing Center data show that of the 12,587 Syrians entering the United States in the 2016 fiscal year, the vast majority – 12,363 (98.2 percent) – are Sunni Muslims. Just 68 of the 12,587 – just more than half of 1 percent – were Christians.

Of the more than 84,995 refugees reported to have arrived from all countries, the total number of Muslims is 38,236, or 45 percent. Of the 38,236 Muslims who have arrived in the 2016 fiscal year, nearly half have been relocated to California and Texas.

Immediately after the Orlando attack on June 12, which killed 49 and wounded 53, the Obama administration sent 49 Sunni Muslim “refugees” to Florida, including 10 to Orlando. The White House even refused to tell Florida Gov. Rick Scott their names or locations. The month of the attack Obama brought 434 Sunni refugees to the United States. The same behavior, just more of it, can be expected from a President Hillary Clinton.

This in spite of the fact that Leon Rodriguez, director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, testified before the Senate in September that “a significant number of refugees have been implicated in terrorist plots over the past eight years.”

New Sunni Muslim refugees are not assimilating to Western culture – and neither are the children of those who immigrated here, even many years ago. Clearly, Sunni Muslim immigrants who arrive in the United States with parents, or even those born here, are not assimilating.

Ahmad Khan Rahami has been arrested for the pressure-cooker bombing in New York City that injured 31 people on Sept. 17. He was also charged with planting a pipe bomb in New Jersey just hours before the New York City explosion. The New Jersey bomb exploded at a 5K race in honor of the Marines, but fortunately the race was unexpectedly delayed for some time, so no runners happened to be near the bomb when it went off. In both incidents, many more people would have been injured and some killed had all of his explosive devices gone off.

Rahami’s family said they had no idea of his radical Islamist leanings, but quickly shut up when photos surfaced of both Rahami and his brother together in Afghanistan. The father of Ahmad Rahami ran a fried chicken joint so successful that he was able to buy a vacation home in Virginia. Despite this success, the elder Rahami had filed complaints that authorities were “harassing” him because he was a Muslim. In actuality Ramadi’s father had kept his store open up to six hours past what zoning permitted in the residential area where it was located, and complaints were filed by citizens saying it had become a gang hangout late at night.

Just a few days after Ahmad Rahami’s bombings, on Sept. 24 in Burlington, Washington, a Sunni Muslim immigrant from Turkey killed five people randomly in the cosmetics section of a Macy’s Department Store. Those killed included a 16-year-old female cancer survivor. The very liberal Washington state media is building an insanity defense for the shooter, Arcan Cetin, while ignoring his online radical Islamist comments and posts. Cetin had immigrated to the U.S. as a child with his parents.

Both these attacks follow a pattern of second-generation terrorist attacks. Another was in June of this year in Orlando, when Omar Mateen, the son of immigrants from Afghanistan, went on a jihad rampage in a gay nightclub, killing 49 people and wounding 53.

In still another case, Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the San Bernardino, California, terrorists who killed 14 and wounded 22 in 2015, was the son of Pakistani immigrants. His wife was a Sunni Muslim immigrant who participated in the massacre.

One of the most well-known attacks by the son of Sunni Muslim immigrants is of course that of Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist who fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others at Fort Hood in 2009. His parents were Palestinian.

Meanwhile, the Christian victims of Sunni Muslim terrorist organizations such as al-Qaida and the Islamic State (ISIS) are rejected by the Obama administration, in favor of more Sunni Muslim immigrants to the U.S. This can plainly be seen from State Department statistics.

Officially, 10 percent of the Syrian population was Christian at the time of the Saudi-financed Sunni Muslim uprising against the Shia led government. That number did not include hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Christians who fled to safety in Syria, as the U.S. occupation of Iraq started to go bad in 2003 and Christians became the targets of Sunni Muslim terrorist organizations.

Yet Christians account for just one half of 1 percent of Syrian refugees allowed to enter the United States by President Obama. Although Syria is barely 60 percent Sunni Muslim, just a little over 98 percent of refugees have been Sunni Muslim. Many of those were “vetted” based only on their own statements, according to Leon Rodriguez’s testimony before the Senate. He stated, “I am acknowledging that, yes, testimony can be the basis for the grant of a refugee.”

There are bills pending in Congress to rectify the injustice of the Obama administration with regard to Christian refugees. In 2015 Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., introduced H.R. 4017, the Save the Christians from Genocide Act. The bill states Congress acknowledges that Christians and Yazidis in Iraq and Syria are victims of genocide and seeks to have the Department of Homeland Security provide expedited visa processing and ensure that applications from the victims of genocide in the Middle East receive first priority.

In September of this year the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2016 (H.R. 5961) was introduced by Reps. Chris Smith, R-N.Y., and Anna Eshoo, D-Caif. This is a bipartisan bill. Smith has spent most of his career in the House promoting pro-life legislation and is well respected among Republicans. Congresswoman Eshoo adds liberal support, which is a welcome surprise.

The bill states findings that prove genocide against religious minorities in the Middle East and sets up a system to assist them in immigrating to the United States.

On the Senate side, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Okla., a champion of religious liberty, has introduced the Religious Persecution Relief Act (S. 2708). This bill declares that Syrian nationals who are religious minorities (Christians) “shall be classified as refugees of special humanitarian concern” and be “eligible for priority two processing under the refugee resettlement priority system.”

Most important in Cotton’s bill is a provision that bypasses the United Nations, which the Obama administration has used to “vet” refugees. The bill states that these refugees may “apply directly to the U.S. refugee admissions program for admission to the United States.”

Many social conservative organizations have stepped forward to promote the legislation introduced, but the Republican leadership in both Houses of Congress have shown little interest in assisting Christian refugees. Oddly, the same Republican leadership has authorized the funding for supplying arms, including TOW missiles, to “vetted” groups in Syria that attack Christians.

Some of the 32 groups of “moderate vetted rebels” receiving TOW missiles are such “vetted” groups as the Mujahideen Army/Army of Holy Warriors, Martyrs of Islam Brigade, Dawn of Islam Division and the Partisans of Islam Front. Apparently, these groups were vetted by the CIA based on their testimony of being pro-democracy, as were the Sunni Muslims from Syria admitted to the United States this past year on their own testimony.

This madness of supporting some Sunni Muslim fighters in Syria while bombing others, and at the same time importing self-vetted Sunni Muslims into the United States, will be continued by a Hillary Clinton presidency, but on a grander scale.

William Murray

William J. Murray is the chairman of the Washington, D.C.-based Religious Freedom Coalition and the author of seven books including "My Life Without God," which chronicles his early life in the home of destructive atheist and Marxist leader Madalyn Murray O'Hair. Having lived the Marxist and the Ayn Rand lifestyle, he has a unique perspective on religion and politics. Read more of William Murray's articles here.

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