Hi, Joseph. I noticed your recent column “Your choice: A cad or a rapist in White House, again.”
Trump has spent virtually his entire adult life in the male-dominated construction industry. It’s fair to say the language in that sort of testosterone-rich environment can get pretty raunchy. Even Hollywood tends to exploit the hard-hat mentality. So, Trump’s recent “locker room talk” shocker or something similar was bound to surface, especially at the 11th hour. However, for the MSM to delight in airing something so obviously damaging, 11 years after the fact, is enough to make a grave robber blush! In addition, Trump was in the private sector, not holding a high level position in the federal government.
Trashing Trump is like practicing a form of self-mutilation. That is, what kind of future do folks in the MSM think their kids will have with a globalist play actor like Hillary at the helm? After all, the Clintons are “Top Guns” when it comes to salacious scandals while in the White House, not to mention Hillary being recently crowned Butcher of Libya!
In the ’60s, the JFK family appeared as pure-as-the-driven-snow. Yet, it’s no secret that naughty escapades were ongoing during the Kennedy administration. Ironically, during that period it was common for Irish-Catholic families to have a crucifix on the wall centered between a photo of JFK and Jesus. Yet, the media during that period had enough sense to exercise some discretion by turning a blind eye to all the indiscretions.