Words of wisdom from the Iron Lady

By Bill Federer

Margaret Thatcher

Known as “The Iron Lady” for her stand against communism, Margaret Thatcher was born Oct. 13, 1925. She became the first woman prime minister of the United Kingdom at a time when England’s government was facing bankruptcy, unemployment was on the rise, and there were conflicts with labor unions. Margaret Thatcher successfully turned the country around by cutting social welfare programs, reducing trade union power and privatizing several industries.

On Feb. 5, 1996, while traveling through New York City, Margaret Thatcher had an interview with Joseph A. Cannon, printed in Human Events. Offering advice to America, Margaret Thatcher explained: “Biblical basis affects one’s whole view, attitude and outlook. … The notion of human rights comes from the sanctity on the individual. … The Decalogue – Ten Commandments – are addressed to each and every person. This is the origin of our common humanity and of the sanctity of the individual. Each one has a duty to try to carry out those commandments. You don’t get that in any other political creed. …”

Margaret Thatcher continued: “It isn’t merely about democracy and liberty. … It is personal liberty with personal responsibility. Responsibility to your parents, to your children, to your God. This really binds us together in a way that nothing else does. If you accept freedom, you’ve got to have principles about the responsibility. You can’t do this without a biblical foundation.”

Margaret Thatcher went on: “Your Founding Fathers came over with that. They came over with the doctrines of the New Testament as well as the Old. They looked after one another, not only as a matter of necessity, but as a matter of duty to their God. There is no other country in the world which started that way.”

Margaret Thatcher spoke further: “Today, people are trying democracy. But they look at it as a philosophy or political pattern, without understanding its roots. I’m afraid democracy’s fundamental religious roots are weakening. There are some countries, fortunately, kept alive by faithful people. But even they are tending to weaken.”

Regarding education, Margaret Thatcher stated: “In the British system, children are taught Christianity. They are taught a faith in school. It is a compulsory subject. In my day, the schools were places where children learned the great hymns which stayed them the rest of their lives. Hymns, Prayers, Bible readings. It is really all locked together. These things pass into our bloodstreams. Even if your parents are not practicing Christians, or Jews, or what have you. It is important that people realize that history is an enormous, great and wonderful story of the fantastic efforts of man in the face of great diversity. By looking at history this way, you see that man never lost faith, no matter how terrible things were.”

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Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s views were confirmed by Prime Minister David Cameron in his Easter message, April of 2015, just days after 150 Kenyan Christians were massacred by Muslims: “I think it is right and it is proper in a Christian country to celebrate this – the most important of the Christian festivals, Easter – right here in Downing Street. … Even those of us who sometimes struggle with some parts of the message – the idea of resurrection, of a living God, of someone who’s still with us – is fantastically important. … I think there is something of a Christian fight-back going on in Britain and I think that’s a thoroughly good thing. …”

Prime Minister Cameron continued: “I think you could also see it in the very happy celebration of the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible. … The values of the Bible, the values of Christianity are the values that we need – values of compassion, of respect, of responsibility, of tolerance. … Across Britain, Christians don’t just talk about ‘loving thy neighbour’, they live it out … in faith schools, in prisons, in community groups. … And it’s for all these reasons that we should feel proud to say, ‘This is a Christian country.’ Yes, we are a nation that embraces, welcomes and accepts all faiths and none but we are still a Christian country. And as a Christian country, Our responsibilities don’t end there. …”

David Cameron concluded: We have a duty to speak out about the persecution of Christians around the world too. It is truly shocking to know that in 2015 there are still Christians being threatened, tortured, even killed, because of their faith from Egypt to Nigeria, Libya to North Korea. Across the Middle East, Christians have been hounded out of their homes, forced to flee from village to village, many of them forced to renounce their faith or be brutally murdered. To all those brave Christians in Iraq and Syria who are practising their faith, or sheltering others, we must say, ‘We stand with you.'”

Margaret Thatcher stated regarding the break up of natural marriage: “Today, I am particularly concerned about the number of marriages that break up. And about the numbers of children that are born to single mothers. This is the greatest threat of all. Those numbers have gone up from 1950, both in your country and in mine. For centuries before that it stayed about the same. These things did happen to single mothers, but it was only about 5 percent of births. In the post-war period, mothers were provided with houses, or flats and incomes. We hoped that would help the children. But what we have done by this is not to relieve the problem, but to multiply it. Today, 30% of children in your country and mine are born to single mothers. …”

Margaret Thatcher added: “We also find that the criminality factor in much higher in children with single mothers, for the reason that they’ve never been brought up against a stable background with a supportive environment. If there is one thing I cannot stand, it is … cruelty or abuse of children. It is the worst crime. It was in the New Testament that our Lord said, ‘Anyone who harms these little ones shall have a millstone around his neck and sunk in the deepest sea.'”

Of the character of Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher wrote: “Winston Churchill … was a great traditionalist. I remember the last time he left the House of Commons. We were rising to go to the election, and knew he would not come back to the House. He couldn’t walk unaided. He got up from his seat and two members supported him. He turned around and bowed for the last time to the speaker. The significance of that is that he was not only bowing to the speaker. When we bow, we are bowing because the first Parliament sat in the Palace of Westminster in a student’s chapel. The speaker’s chair and the table in front were where the altar was. And so when it became the House of Commons, you would bow also toward the altar. And of course, we have prayers every day. So he was bowing for the last time. He was a man of great faith.”

Winston Churchill stated before the House of Commons, June 18, 1940: “Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. … If we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. … Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, ‘This was their finest hour.'”

Winston Churchill fought in Egypt and Sudan under the command of General Herbert Kitchener from 1897 -1898. He wrote in “The (Nile) River War”: “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! … The fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog. … Insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. … In Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine. … Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities … but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. … No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. …

“Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”

Regarding political attacks upon her, Margaret Thatcher stated: “I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.”

Margaret Thatcher stated about Israel: “We have to remember that the Jewish people never, ever lost their faith in the face of all the persecution and as a result have come to have their own promised land and to have Jerusalem as a capital city again.”

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