2016 ends with more Obama-inspired racial division

By Brent Smith

The countdown has begun. In 24 days the nightmare that has befallen us for eight long years will finally end. I would love to add good riddance, but I can’t. We all know that except for the occasional getaway with the family or golf outing, Barack is going nowhere.

He will be setting up shop in Washington, D.C., for the foreseeable future, or as long as it takes him to undermine the new president’s agenda. But still, it will be a new day, filled with hope and anticipation – and maybe a little reconciliation between the citizens of this nation.

We are sorely in need of some “coming together,” after eight years of being torn apart – particularly in terms of race. The past few years have seen a fevered pitch of hatred between the races – black and white. However, most of the hate and violence has been directed at whites at the behest of so-called black leaders.

This is the true Obama legacy – beginning with him proclaiming, without any knowledge of events, that white Cambridge police “acted stupidly,” to then-Attorney General Eric Holder refusing to prosecute the clearly guilty New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation, to Black Lives Matter riots, organized by angry blacks and self-hating white communists/anarchists.

It has gotten so bad that this past Christmas Eve, just three days ago, white Drexel University associate professor George Ciccariello-Maher tweeted: “All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide.” He claims it was meant to be a joke, or in his words, “satirical.” Ha-ha. Get it? I don’t, you guilty white liberal/communist.

Yes, Georgie-boy is a white college professor who evidently cares little for his own race. The Daily Mail reports that he followed up that laugh-riot of a tweet with another knee-slapper. He praised “the ‘massacre’ of whites in Haiti during the country’s slave uprising and revolution more than two centuries ago.” Ahh – another good one. He should do stand-up.

I’m sorry, George. Claim all you like that you weren’t serious, but I beg to differ. How do I know? Easy – just look at his Drexel University bio.

Before signing on with Drexel, Maher “taught political theory at U.C. Berkeley, San Quentin State Prison, and the Venezuelan School of Planning in Caracas.” So let’s see – U.C. Berkley, or Moscow on the Hudson, without the Hudson, possibly the most radical university in America. I don’t know much of San Quentin, but what “political theory” could he be teaching to a bunch of hardened criminals? Freedom and free-market capitalism? And of course Venezuela. Need I say more?

Like Obama, he too is an anti-colonialist, as he freely admits and celebrates in his bio – and claims that we in America actually created late Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, and that Chavez was not the cause of Venezuela’s problems.

As we know, colonialism, to these fools, equals white supremacy. Combine that with his communist views of anti-capitalism (which is also anti-white), and we have a charming cocktail of antipathy toward his own race.

This guy was as serious as a heart attack when he tweeted about “white genocide.” He got caught, and is now trying weasel out of it by feigning humor. I’m glad Drexel admonished him for it. The school responded: “While the University recognizes the right of its faculty to freely express their thoughts and opinions in public debate, professor Ciccariello-Maher’s comments are utterly reprehensible, deeply disturbing, and do not in any way reflect the values of the University.”

Sadly, it will do little to change the prof’s attitude. Like so many other guilty white liberals, he seems to need to assuage his guilt by over compensating with a sadistic view of the white race. But it’s not masochistic, for they certainly don’t wish any harm to come to themselves – just other whites.

So, good luck, President Trump. It will be a monumental task putting this Humpty-Dumpty back together again.

Brent Smith

Brent Smith, aka The Common Constitutionalist, is a constitutional conservative who advocates for first principles – the founders' original intent and enemy of progressives. He is former Navy and a martial arts expert. Smith considers himself just an average Joe with no formal journalism background – but rather than simply complain about the state of our nation, he took to the Internet to battle the left. Check out Brent Smith's blog. Read more of Brent Smith's articles here.

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