Are we – Western Christians – celebrating this Christmas with a tinge of fear because of the publicized threats of violence by militant Islam as well as the recent and ongoing attacks on innocents by these vermin I hesitate to call humans?
Yes, we are, even though many people don’t like to think about it.
And, yes, I have no sympathy or consideration for the people who perpetrate their version of “religion” as a means to kill, trap and murder innocents for the simple reason that they have different religious beliefs.
Germany is in turmoil because of the bloody truck massacre of civilians – 12 dead and 48 injured – at a Christmas market. The man responsible shouted his support of Islam as the blood flowed.
He managed to get away, setting off a massive manhunt, and he did, in fact, make it to Italy. But that’s where it ended, thanks to two heroic Italian policemen in Milan. The killer was dispatched before he could carry out any further of his horrors.
No tears for him here.
But the fact is, this man was known by officials and was under surveillance and yet was allowed to carry out his horrendous plot and then move on to travel to other countries to attempt other horrors.
It’s clear, the Germans blew it.
Then we see the Russian ambassador shot down in mid-speech by another of those Islamist terrorists while a flurry of terrorist plots were thwarted before they were carried out – in Australia, Great Britain, Belgium, Indonesia and a Libyan plane was hijacked to Malta, fortunately with no loss of life.
To add massive insult to injury, those bloodthirsty vermin released a list of some 8,000 churches, by name and address, in the United States and announced their plans to carry out attacks over the holidays.
ISIS is calling it a holiday attack list, specifically calling “for bloody celebrations in the Christian New Year” – with the intent of “turning the Christian New Year into a bloody horror movie.”
Without doubt, extra precautions are being taken to prevent those vile plans from succeeding, and as I write this, so far so good. But the Christmas season for Christians has just begun, and there are many days left for “something” to happen.
Are there so-called “ISIS lone wolves” in this country? You bet. Last week, the Arizona Joint Terrorism Taskforce arrested a man who was planning an ISIS attack in Phoenix, after having checked out Midnight Masses and weapon availability. According to the Associated Press, this man considers himself an “avowed jihadist.”
He’s not alone. There are similar instances and arrests in other Arizona cities including Tucson, where a plot was uncovered to bomb a Jewish community center.
Europe is turning into an armed camp as peace-loving people are realizing they must protect themselves and, ultimately, their way of life.
In Italy, there is great concern around the Vatican – and while Pope Francis celebrated the traditional Christmas Eve Mass, security in and around the Vatican was heavy and visible. Yet, the pontiff continues to refuse to label terrorism for what it is and identify the people who are doing it – i.e. militant Islamists.
Then again, he’s no different than Barack Obama who also is silent when it comes to the subject of militant Islam. He protects Muslims.
Remember what he said in 2012? “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”
He’s the American president?
I clearly remember the night I was at KSFO radio for my program and was talking with my producer about the horrific destruction of the World Trade Center. That day, and the reality of what transpired at the hands of Islamist terrorists, was seared into my memory and will never be erased.
Our discussion that evening about what had taken place in New York not only centered on the “doing” of it but that it involved people we had not been made aware could be a danger to us.
Both of us knew of Islam – but not the part of it that targeted us as an enemy. Clearly, average American citizens were purposefully kept in the dark. Clearly, our government and the media knew we were targets, and yet we were never informed.
And, quite frankly, we still aren’t.
We have a president who refuses to even acknowledge Islamic terrorism as being a danger to the free world. Remember, the Fort Hood massacre perpetrated by an Islamist fanatic? Obama still calls it “workplace violence.”
In retrospect, another day is also seared in my mind, Feb. 26, 1993, when a truck bomb exploded beneath the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The goal was to bring down both towers, which didn’t happen, but six people were killed and a thousand injured.
I heard it on the news that morning in California and wasn’t pacified until I’d ascertained that my son-in-law was safe, since he regularly commuted from New Jersey to the City, arriving in the terminal in the WTC basement.
Never forget, six Muslim terrorists were convicted for the crime.
I should have realized then that we were targets and, in light of that, shouldn’t have been shocked by 9/11. But I was still naïve, thinking my government would put my safety – and that of my fellow citizens – first.
But, no.
The words of President Bush after 9/11, that we should just resume our regular lives and go shopping, struck me as the epitome of absurdity and made me realize my government puts us in danger.
So, where are we now?
Quite frankly, we’re in worse trouble than ever.
We are the enemy. Western civilization. Christians and Jews. People who do not believe in Muhammad.
Are you tired of the pictures of horror from Islam? People being beheaded? People put into cages and drowned in those cages? People in cages, set afire and incinerated? People made to crawl, then set afire? Children raped and murdered? Busloads of civilians escaping Aleppo being bombed and burned?
What kind of people do things like this?
I’ll tell you. ISIS terrorists. Islamist terrorists.
To call them animals insults animals.
They’re not civilized. They have no sense of morality.
They are our enemy, and we had best face it because everything, the entirety of Western Civilization, is at stake.
Merry Christmas.
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