Dobson scorches Kasich for ‘shameful’ veto of heartbeat bill

By WND Staff

Dr. James Dobson
Dr. James Dobson

Prominent evangelical Christian leader Dr. James Dobson pulled no punches Wednesday after Ohio Gov. John Kasich vetoed the “Heartbeat Bill” – issuing a blistering attack on Kasich for his “cowardice” and “shameful action.”

“I join with millions of evangelicals and Catholics in condemning Gov. John Kasich’s veto of the bill,” Dobson wrote on his website. “This was a cowardice and shameful action.”

The “Heartbeat Bill” would prohibit abortions in cases where a baby’s heartbeat can be detected along with any procedures performed after six weeks of pregnancy. Kasich did accept a bill, SB 127, that would make it a fourth-degree felony for doctors to perform abortions after 20 weeks.

But he claimed he line-item vetoed the heartbeat provision from House Bill 493 out of concern for the public interest.

Kasich said the bill would invite lengthy and costly litigation and had provisions that are “clearly contrary” to Supreme Court abortion rulings.

“Such a defeat invites additional challenges to Ohio’s strong legal protections for unborn life,” he wrote in his veto message, CNN reported.”Therefore, this veto is in the public interest.”

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But Dobson was having none of the excuses from Kasich, who describes himself as pro-life.

“Signing the bill would have been the constitutionally correct thing to do; it would have also been morally correct to do,” Dobson wrote. “Governor Kasich has sent a message to voters in Ohio – and across the nation – that the governor isn’t as committed to life as he professes to be.”

Dobson said millions of Americans have fought for the rights of the unborn for decades.

“We have not grown weary, we have never lost the faith, and now there is a growing movement to finally reject the barbarism of abortion and to fully protect the rights of the unborn.

“This bill was an important step in that direction, and we mustn’t be silent in response to the governor’s action. This is the time to redouble all of our efforts nationwide until we will finally, fully win our fight for the rights of our nation’s unborn children.”

Dobson urges Americans to contact Kasich’s office and “express their outrage” by email, by phone at (614) 466-3555 or in person at the Ruffe Center, 30th floor, 77 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio.

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