Newsflash for parents! You should give your son a Barbie for Christmas! No really, it’s what he wants!
Or at least, it’s what he should want … if he knows what’s good for him.
It should come as no surprise that some feminist-inspired, agenda-driven, frothing-at-the-mouth parents – insane at the thought of boys being boys and girls being girls – are offering their children toys that are either gender-neutral or specifically designed for the opposite gender.
Recommendations for a gender-neutral holiday come from numerous sources, including an Australian education publisher called Good Education Group (motto: “empowering future generations”).
(Sidebar note: Empower. Now that’s a word that should be swept into the dustbin of history. Right now, we have a whole generation of “empowered” young people recoiling in horror from chalk graffiti and requiring safe rooms with cookies, teddy bears, Play-Doh and other snuggly comforts to recuperate from, well, anything. Does this sound “empowered” to you? But anyway, back to Christmas.)
Good Education Group, headed by CEO Chris Lester, is urging parents to embrace a “No Gender December.” Mr. Lester asks parents to de-genderize their Christmas presents as well as to think outside the box when bestowing gifts upon their children. Besides the usual obligatory attempts to get girls to deny any interest in girly things and embrace STEM pursuits (science, technology, engineering, medicine), this group is urging parents to let their sons explore their kinder, gentler side with the cheery recommendation to “buy a boy a Barbie!”
It drives me nuts when agenda-driven parents take what should be a lovely time of religious celebration and family togetherness, and turn it into an opportunity to mess up their kids’ minds. Let’s face it, no matter how much you try to neuter your children, you’re only going to confuse them. Boys are boys and girls are girls. There are medical exceptions – I have a dear friend who is a biological hermaphrodite – but these are rare occurrences.
However any concerns about confusing children fall on deaf ears when there’s an agenda to push. “It’s easy to dismiss toys as trivial,” justified one hip happenin’ mom, “but this is one way we can help our children feel confident that they don’t have to fit in with old-fashioned stereotypes.”
“Kids aren’t born with these stereotypes,” notes another article, “so why do toy and book companies market them in this way?”
Um, well, actually kids ARE born with these stereotypes. It’s hard-wired into their system. Gender is not a product of society, it’s a product of chromosomes. Unless otherwise forced/indoctrinated by their agenda-driven parents, most boys will make their teddy bears shoot death rays at the enemy, whereas most girls have their teddy bears drink tea with their doll friends.
Besides, let’s say you give your son a Barbie when what he really wants is Killer Destruction Road Rage Monster Truck Alpha Squad Man. What message does this convey? It basically says, “Your gender is violent, unappreciated and useless. We won’t allow you to be yourself so you can grow into a strong, confident man. You must deny your biological inheritance. You must conform to our emasculated gender-neutral agenda, or we’ll mock and/or taunt you for your boyishness and, eventually, your budding masculinity.”
Yeah, real healthy there, folks. Great idea.
What’s in vogue today is to teach children their gender-specific instincts are wrong. Boys are punished for being rambunctious and restless in school. Girls are ridiculed for wanting to embrace the home. Children become confused when their instincts conflict with what they’re being taught.
The way I see it, this gender-neutral craze is not about making boys or girls more “empowered.” If it were, parents and teachers would be just as delighted when girls played with toy guns and pretended to shoot the bad guy. No, it’s all about suppressing genetic normalcy and molding children into something the feminists approve of. Is it really empowering to deny boys and girls the kind of toys they would enjoy just to demonstrate how enlightened and post-sexist you are?
This attitude is bad enough for girls, but it’s devastating for boys. More than that, it’s designed to make children, girls and especially boys, emasculated wimps fit only for safe rooms and gender activism. These gender Nazis want children to march to the drum of the agenda, an agenda which states children must hate and fight against their innate unique biological traits and strengths.
So how does this affect society as a whole? It screws people up, that’s how.
You may ask, what’s the big deal if we blur the distinction between genders? The “big deal” is that by doing so, we raise young people unequipped and unprepared to cope with the normal milestones of adulthood. They have no strength, no confidence and no resilience. Rather than rise up to a challenge, they collapse into a puddle of quivering goo. They make up special pronouns for themselves. They come up with “microaggressions” to forcibly sanitize the words and behaviors of others (lest they be “triggered” into … something). Do these actions sound like those of mature, competent people ready to take on adult responsibilities, get jobs, raise families and contribute to the economy?
The issue is much larger and more important than some New Age family bleating about gender roles. Biological traits are there for a reason. Conforming to our innate roles insures that our society and its base unit – the family – will continue to raise stable, well-adjusted children who (let’s admit it) aren’t likely to have confusion issues about their genders or their roles, and can therefore get on with their lives without baggage.
So unless your son specifically asks for a Barbie – and some may; there are all kinds of kids in this world – then try to restrain yourself from pushing your particular type of insanity on your kid. Let him be himself.
However if you DO get your son a Barbie for Christmas, then my husband suggests getting him a 1960s or ’70s version – because, he says, those Barbies were built, by golly. (My husband claims when he was a boy, he learned everything he knew about female anatomy from his sisters’ Barbies.)
God bless us, everyone.
Media wishing to interview Patrice Lewis, please contact [email protected].