Top Democrats in Washington are still going crazy about the hack of the Democratic National Committee that some of them believe cost Hillary Clinton the presidency.
I think it’s more likely that Hillary Clinton lost the presidency because of her abysmally deficient concern for cybersecurity as secretary of state.
And while some of her friends are calling the email breach the “political equivalent of 9/11,” perhaps a better analogy could be drawn with her careless disregard for national security when she ran the State Department. After all, people died on her watch – while she was freely sharing information with the Russians, the Chinese and others, not to mention a bevy of junior high pranksters and Anthony Weiner.
Look! I’m sick of listening to Democrats mau-mauing about the cyber-breach of the Democratic National Committee. Who was in charge of cybersecurity for the last eight years? Democrats and those they appointed to take care of the matter.
Were the Republicans the folks complaining about Hillary Clinton’s lack of even the most minimal concern about national security secrets during her watch? Why were the Democrats in Congress and the administration minimizing the matter?
Even more to the point: Why are Democrats today more concerned about the hack of the Democratic National Committee than they are and were when the biggest hack attack in the history of the world took place during the Obama administration – one that compromised the names, Social Security numbers, addresses and other personal information, including salaries, of every single federal government employee – past and present?
I can answer that question.
Because Democrats care more about their own secrets than they do about the American people’s secrets. They care more about the political embarrassments of the WikiLeaks releases than they do about national security.
Do I have that about right?
Is there any other way to interpret their continuing hysteria about what they insist, without evidence, is a Russian hack, orchestrated and directed by Vladimir Putin himself, of the Democratic National Committee?
Who’s to blame?
It’s not Donald Trump. It’s the people who were in charge – all Democrats!
Now many of them are comparing this flap to 9/11 – with a straight face.
Fine, you think so? Then set up a 9/11 commission to investigate yourselves and your own malfeasance.
Maybe you’re right. Maybe the Russians did it. Prove it. But the breach was permitted by those in charge of cybersecurity here in the U.S. – and that cybersecurity was a joke.
Apparently the Dems didn’t mind when the cover of U.S. spies was blown by their negligence. Apparently the Dems didn’t mind when the personal information of every U.S. government employee was compromised under their noses. Apparently that wasn’t a wake-up call. Neither was the discovery that the secretary of state and the president of the United States were emailing each other on Gmail accounts and unsecured servers.
But what got their attention was when politically embarrassing emails were released to the American public courtesy of WikiLeaks. Now they are going ballistic – blaming everyone but themselves.
I don’t know why no one asks the administration this simple question: After the entire federal government computer system was breached by unknown foreign powers during the Obama administration years ago, compromising the files of every single federal employee – including military personnel and those working for intelligence agencies, what did Barack Obama do to ensure cybersecurity was taken seriously?
I think I know the answer. It’s self-evident. Nothing was done!
Who was in charge? Democrats – every one of them!
If what happened subsequently to the their own party was the political equivalent of 9/11 and Watergate, as some of the top leaders of the party say, what indeed was the breach of the entire federal government under Obama’s watch?
Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact [email protected].