WND reporter spanks charges of ‘fake news’ in U.S. refugee crisis

By Paul Bremmer



A WND investigative reporter is firing back at a retired Idaho public official who last week attacked the news service for its coverage of refugee-related issues in the state.

In a news release dated Jan. 18, former Idaho Attorney General Jim Jones, also a former state Supreme Court chief justice, stated “a number of so-called news organizations have engaged in fear-mongering in order to portray refugees, and particularly those from Syria, as a danger to our country.”

“Breitbart News, World Net Daily and others have played fast and loose with the truth and should not be regarded as credible,” he said.

But Leo Hohmann, who has reported extensively on the Muslim-refugee situation in Idaho and around the world, says he has brought truth, not fear, to the issue.

“I stand by all of my reporting on the Twin Falls, Idaho, sexual assault of a helpless 5-year-old girl by a group of refugee boys, one of whom was filming the heinous crime in real time,” Hohmann declared.

“I got my facts from the only eyewitness to the crime, an elderly grandmother who saw the crime in progress and stopped it from proceeding to an even more disgusting end. I also interviewed the parents of the child. The father had viewed the video showing the molestation of his daughter.”

Hohmann said his reporting stood in contrast to the reporting of local media, which “chose to get their so-called ‘facts’ from corrupt local officials, who were either intimidated or in the pocket of Obama officials like Idaho U.S. attorney Wendy Olson.”

“As if it weren’t derelict enough for a newspaper to rely on the word of public officials, these so-called ‘journalists’ in Idaho and in nearby Spokane, Washington, had the audacity to go a step further and attack those of us who were doing our journalistic jobs and questioning the authorities, calling our reporting ‘conspiracy theories,'” he said.

America is headed down a suicidal path – but it’s a subtle invasion, and not many Americans understand the full extent of the problem. Get all the details in Leo Hohmann’s brand new book “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad,” available now in hard copy or ebook at the WND Superstore.

“It seems clear to me, when looking back, that the establishment media in Idaho and Washington were the ones engaged in conspiracy reporting by their reckless disregard for the truth and their callous treatment of the victim and her family. They chose to bow to the pressure of bullies like the Obama-appointed Wendy Olson,” he said.

“It was Olson who issued a threat to prosecute anyone who made statements about the perpetrators that she considered false or inflammatory. She later walked back from that statement after some powerful condemnations from First Amendment advocates.”

Hohmann noted Jones did not mention any specific facts he believed either WND or Breitbart had misreported. Instead, the former Idaho official resorted to ad hominem attacks on the two news outlets.

“The public found out, through our reporting, just whose side these corrupt officials in Idaho are on,” Hohmann continued. “The police chief, the mayor, the local prosecuting attorney Grant Loebs, Wendy Olson and now Mr. Jones have made it clear that they are more concerned about offending the groups resettling refugees in the state than they about protecting public safety.

“Because they are so invested in the continuation of resettlements in Idaho, we can expect their assaults on the truth to continue.”

Hohmann goes far beyond Twin Falls to expose the plot to change the demographics of America in his brand-new book, “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and the Resettlement Jihad.”

Paul Bremmer

Paul Bremmer is a WND staff writer based in Washington, D.C. Read more of Paul Bremmer's articles here.

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