Trump Derangement Syndrome

By Burt Prelutsky

We have all witnessed the signs of the anti-Trump virus that has run rampant across America. We have all seen the various elements of the biased media join forces to delegitimize his administration. We have all seen Chuck Schumer and his trained seals in the Senate slow-walk Trump’s Cabinet choices through their hearings. We have all seen the Soros-financed rioters going through their paces in the streets and on college campuses.

But something that may have slipped under the radar is the anti-Trump kangaroo court that recently doled out injustice at Orange Coast College. Although most of us were privy to what initially led to the legal lynching, you may not have been aware of the unfortunate, but not too surprising, conclusion to the story.

Several weeks ago, a professor, Olga Perez Stable Cox, under the guise of conducting a class, said, among other things: “I will not tolerate any person in my life that voted for Trump,” “I’m not going to Utah where my family lives because of their views on Trump,” “President Trump is a white supremacist,” “Vice-President Pence is one of the most anti-gay humans in the country,” “I know you’re stuck in homes, you’re stuck in families, you’re stuck in places of employment where you’re surrounded,” “It’s scary living in Orange County because so many people are hateful,” “I hope that we can counter what this new administration is going to do.”

Because he was so outraged by the hatred spewing from the mouth of this self-identified lesbian, Caleb O’Neil taped her and made her screed a matter of public record.

You would have thought Ms. Cox would have been suspended or fired for wasting class time with her partisan bellyaching. But that would only prove that you were a visitor from a past era who had landed in 2017 thanks to your time travel machine. Instead, the administration decided that Mr. O’Neil was the one who needed to be disciplined. His crime? Recording a class session without the permission of the instructor.

His defense – although one shouldn’t be necessary because every teacher should be taped or recorded (what do they have to hide from the people who pay their salaries?) – was that he didn’t record the entire session, but only the 15 minutes or so after she went off the rails and abused her authority.

In a clear-cut case of academic injustice, the interim dean, Victoria Lugo, deemed Caleb O’Neil’s crime so serious that he has been suspended. I guess it’s up to him if he wants to try to return in the fall, but I can’t imagine why he would.

In the meantime, I have written the following letter to Dean Lugo: “I have read of the disciplinary action you have taken against young Mr. O’Neil. The part that grabbed my attention is that you asked him how he felt about his video having damaged the College’s students, faculty and staff. It seems to me that if a 15-minute video of professor Cox in action could be that damaging to your school’s reputation, the problem rests with her and not the student.

“How is it you don’t see it that way?”

After watching Donald Trump’s 80-minute press conference, it’s obvious that he enjoys taunting the members of the media. Some people consider it unbecoming of a president to pick on specific members of the press. I’m not one of those people. If I were Trump, I’d do it, too. The weasels have it coming. They have a public trust, but they constantly make stuff up. I grant that he does, too. In fact, I’d say that the low point of the conference came when Trump was confronted for claiming he’d had the biggest Electoral College victory in decades.

When called out on it, he looked a little weaselly himself when he claimed that’s what he’d been told. I guarantee nobody told him something that is so blatantly false and so easily disproven.

On the other hand, that is small potatoes compared to the lies that have been told about him – specifically, the slander that President Trump is an anti-Semite. Unfortunately, like the claims that he hates women, Hispanics, blacks and homosexuals, it’s easier to make the charge than to disprove it.

But, inasmuch as the most virulent anti-Semites were the Nazis, you would think that a great deal of proof would have to be offered before anyone would dare say such a thing. But what exactly could anyone in the media know that his Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, don’t know?

Wouldn’t you think that before making such an accusation, the media would have had to discover that his preferred bedtime reading is “Mein Kampf” in the original German? That he wears pajamas adorned with little swastikas? That “Triumph of the Will” is his favorite movie? That he once went to a Halloween party as Joseph Goebbels?

One of the highlights of the press conference came when, having had his fill of all the lies about his connection to Russia, Trump said once and for all that neither he nor anyone in his administration has been in cahoots with Putin. On the other hand, he pointed out that when Hillary Clinton handed over 20 percent of our uranium to Russia, the media barely even mentioned it.

One of the more amusing moments came when a reporter asked, as if it were a serious question, whether Trump wasn’t concerned that his attacks on the media weren’t undermining the faith Americans placed in the First Amendment.

Apparently, the reporter was unaware that the American people dislike and distrust the media even more than they do Congress. And if they believe that’s all because of Trump, they may be even more deranged than Senate Democrats.

Years ago, Daniel Patrick Moynihan observed: “The single most exciting thing you can encounter in government is competence, because it’s so rare.” If he were still alive, he would probably say the same about honest reporters.

One obvious example of the bias the president referred to can be found in the way the left is carrying on about the immigration raids conducted by ICE under Trump. During the first three weeks of February, ICE made 680 arrests. During just three months of Obama’s administration (September 2011, April 2012 and March 2015), over 8,000 illegal aliens were arrested. Not a single peep was heard from the American media, staunch defenders of the First Amendment.

I know that Trump doesn’t need any advice from me, but if I had his ear, I would suggest that he quit boasting about how well he did on Nov. 8 and how badly he would have defeated Hillary if she hadn’t been the beneficiary of millions of illegal alien votes.

He’s like a guy who has been declared winner of a debate, but keeps gabbing long into the night after the lights have been turned off and everyone else has gone home.

“Mr. President,” I’d say, “just admit that Mrs. Clinton received more votes than you. But point out that you actually read the Constitution, and therefore understood that it was only the votes of the Electoral College that mattered.

“Point out that it was a presidential election, not a beauty contest. And then, with a wink, point out that if it had been, you’d have won that, too.”

I am happy to report that my latest book, the very wise and hilarious “Angels on Tap,” is now available from Amazon. It is the source for the upcoming feature starring Ed Asner, Marion Ross, Jamie Farr, Ron Masak and Alan Rachins that I wrote and co-produced.

Media wishing to interview Burt Prelutsky, please contact [email protected].

Burt Prelutsky

Burt Prelutsky has been a humor columnist for the L.A. Times, a movie critic for Los Angeles magazine and a freelance writer for TV Guide, Modern Maturity, the New York Times and Sports Illustrated. His latest book is entitled ""Barack Obama, You're Fired! (And Don't Bother Asking for a Recommendation)." Read more of Burt Prelutsky's articles here.

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