Trump is like a father to misbehaving media

By Jesse Lee Peterson

Do you remember when Chris Rock said President Barack Obama was “our boss,” that Barack and Michelle were “like the mom and the dad of the country,” and that we need to listen to what they say?

Sorry, Chris. The Obamas did not make good national parents.

The Obamas are not genuine people. They lack love. They don’t care about what’s right. They care only about their own egos and political agenda. They’re not about truth or decency. Just look at their daughter, Malia, for whom trashy Beyonce was a wonderful “role model.”

Remember, Obama promised the “most transparent administration” ever, but it was the most lying, secretive and scandal ridden. He blamed Fox News and Rush Limbaugh for telling the truth about him. He never faced Sean Hannity, and he slithered and charmed his way through Bill O’Reilly’s interviews.

It’s different with President Trump. His decency as a father shows in his children’s lives. And it showed at his one-hour-and-17-minute press conference last week. He showed love, not hate – not just for the American people, but for the press, even those he called “failing,” “fake news” or, in one case, “very fake news.”

We all know how biased the media are: They deceive the people – typically by omitting positive information about those they hate, and omitting negative information about those they love. They honor and prop up the worst people, but they attack and mischaracterize conservatives, whites and men.

Many in the media actually consider themselves objective. They really believe in “racism,” “same-sex marriage,” “transgenderism,” abortion – things not rooted in truth. Their parents failed them, and that’s why they’re liberals and insecure, nasty, prideful people.

We also know how jealous, evil and destructive the media are: They stir up false controversies to defame the innocent, divide the country, spread hate and inspire riots and protests. They do hit pieces on individuals who don’t fall in line, to further their agenda. (See popular YouTuber PewDiePie, for a recent example.)

The liberal media tend to do one of two things to avoid admitting they’re wrong.

Most often, they feign objectivity, gaslight and lie to the public, as Washington Post’s Marty Baron did, saying, “We’re not at war with the administration, we’re at work.” Were they on vacation the past eight years as Obama created a mess?

Order Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood.”

And occasionally, the media get defensive and angrily shut down truth-tellers, as CNN’s Don Lemon did to commentator Paris Dennard. Dennard dismissed a discussion focusing on the “high cost” to taxpayers for the Secret Service to protect the Trump family. He called the supposed controversy “fake news.” Lemon got mad and wouldn’t even let Dennard explain why it was “fake news.” He ended the segment early and walked off the set!

The press looks down on the people, particularly on conservatives, as intellectual liberals think they know better than the rest of us. They constantly gather information, thus ever building their pride – yet they cannot interpret reality.

Christ warned the Pharisees and Sadducees who did not believe in him about their blindness and arrogance in all their knowledge and their looking for “signs” and proof. He said that they could not discern the signs of the times. He told the Pharisees that they did not understand him because they could not hear him, because they were not of God. They could only believe their father the devil, the murderer and the father of lies.

There are two realities to life. The people of evil live in a completely different reality from the people of good. Anger places you in that false reality, because, in anger, you feel you are fighting for “justice” (think Black Lives Matter). But, in truth, you are an unjust judge who can’t see, and you are deceived.

Donald Trump exhorted the press about their hateful tone, their speculative focus on his administration’s alleged connections to “Russia” and their dishonest ways in general. He told the media that if they were “straight” and fair, instead of hateful and dishonest, they would help both themselves and the country, because the people simply do not trust them:

I watch CNN, and it’s so much anger, hatred, and just the hatred, I don’t watch it anymore. … But I think it should be straight. … I think it should be, frankly, more interesting.

I know how good everybody’s ratings are right now, but I think it’ll actually be better. People, you have a lower approval rate than Congress. … But, honestly, the public would appreciate it. I would appreciate it.

CNN’s Jim Acosta responded, “Just for the record, we don’t hate you, I don’t hate you.” Many in the press are enthralled by Trump because he is giving them a love they never received from their own fathers who failed them. Yet when they leave, they misbehave again like undisciplined children, and rebel against the truth as though their father is not home.

The media described Trump’s press conference as “wild,” “crazy” and “unhinged.” In reality, it was calm, forceful and pure love.

The media – and America as a whole – have much to learn from the father of our country.

Order Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood.”

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Jesse Lee Peterson

Jesse Lee Peterson – host of “The Fallen State” TV show on WND-TV – is the most courageous, outspoken critic of the "civil rights" establishment in America today. Raised without his father on a plantation near Tuskegee, Alabama, during the Jim Crow era, Peterson has lived a part of America's history few have experienced. After a spiritual transformation, Peterson founded BOND, a nationally recognized nonprofit organization dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." Peterson is also the founder of The BOND Leadership Academy, a private school in Los Angeles. He's a radio talk-show host, speaker and author of "The Antidote." In addition to writing a weekly column for WND, Peterson appears as a media commentator on Fox News Channel, CNN and other national TV and radio networks. For more information, visit Read more of Jesse Lee Peterson's articles here.

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