Soros university to close in Hungary crackdown?

By Around the Web

(BLOOMBERG) — The crown jewel of billionaire financier George Soros’s educational and philanthropic network in Europe condemned a Hungarian draft bill targeting foreign-funded universities and said it’s aimed at shutting it down.

In a showdown with Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Central European University, established by Soros in 1991, said a bill submitted to parliament by Human Resources Minister Zoltan Balog targets the school “directly” and must be withdrawn. Balog, who’s in charge of education, said “national security considerations” and ensuring that university courses meet “foreign policy priorities” required amending current legislation

“The bill is a threat to our continued existence in Hungary,” Michael Ignatieff, the president of CEU, told reporters in Budapest on Wednesday. “This is an institution that doesn’t bow to intimidation or force.”

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