Stunner! U.N. plan to ‘mark’ world population

By WND Staff

United Nations flags

If you believe the Bible is true, then you know it’s going to happen.

The “Mark of the Beast” is a staple of prophecy, a development many evangelical Christians would take as a sign the end times have truly begun.

And Pastor Carl Gallups believes there are real, concrete indications the United Nations has already started making preparations to develop the very technology that could be used to register every single person on Earth.

He sounds the warning in his latest book, “When The Lion Roars: Understanding The Implications Of Ancient Prophecies For Our Time.”

Gallups expanded on the international plans under way on a recent episode of “SkyWatchTV.”

He cites a report from the U.N.’s 2030 Agenda, including a list of 17 “Global Goals.”

One of the goals is “legal identity for all, including birth registration.”

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is also working to implement biometric technology to identify and track refugees. The information will be stored in a central database in Geneva, Switzerland. Such a plan could be expanded to include the global population.

When asked if he was saying the U.N. was going to try to register the entire population, Gallups said those are not his words but those of the United Nations.

“I don’t make that prediction, but the U.N. has stated it in Agenda 2030,” he said. “In my book, I quote from the U.N. agenda. We know the Bible speaks in the last days there’s going to be some kind of a marking system. I go into the Greek words and the various possible explanations of what that means to receive, to take the mark. Several of the words hold something of the connotation of being ‘passed over.’ Of course, in our day in technology we know there is iris scanning, facial scanning. It’s pregnant with possibility.

“We know there is going to be a worldwide, a global marking system. The Bible says it.”

As Gallups admits, such an ambitious program could only be justified through euphemisms and benevolent rationalizations. He suggests Christians should be extra-aware when they start hearing seemingly unobjectionable reasons to support intrusive policies.

“They are going to identify every human, all 7 billion or however many by that time, on the planet for the purposes of … ‘peace and security,'” he said. “Now we have this global institution, the United Nations, saying: ‘Hey, I know what we could use this technology for! We could identify, put it in a big computer database, and we could mark every person on the planet, track them, take care of them, watch over them, grant them peace and security, grant them financial security, and all of these wonderful things. We’d have a utopia on Earth! Let’s mark everybody.'”

As Gallups concedes, such predictions can sound alarmist or even paranoid.

However, he points to prior predictions about the invasiveness of technology that sounded “crazy” at the time but are today accepted by ordinary Americans as normal or even desirable.

As the pastor noted, television manufacturers such as Samsung now directly warn consumers not to say “sensitive information” in front of their television because it could be sent to a “third party.”

“Years ago, I was talking on my radio program about how easy it would be to have a television set with a microphone, especially as things were going digital,” Gallups recalled.

“We would be told it would be used for marketing … it’s all in the name of ‘good things.’ We were laughed at 10 or 15 years ago for talking about that. Now the companies using them have in their instruction manuals warnings about how to use them cautiously, disclaimers: ‘Be careful what you say you say in front of your television.’ That’s just one example of what used to be conspiracy theory that used to be laughed at. But anyone with intelligence 10 or 15 years ago could see where things were going. How could you not envision that would be a reality one day?”

Extraordinary events predicted centuries in advance are unfolding now. Here is your guide to the incredible prophecies being fulfilled before our very eyes. Don’t miss the bestselling sensation from one of America’s most prolific and beloved pastors. “When the Lion Roars: Understanding the Implications of Ancient Prophecies for Our Time” by Carl Gallups, available now in the WND Superstore.

Now, Gallups maintains the warnings about what is coming next are similarly obvious for anyone who anyone who isn’t deceiving themselves.

“People ask if I think this is going to happen,” he said. “The answer is, something like this will happen because the Bible says it will happen. Will the U.N. do it? I don’t know. Will they pull it off by 2030? Don’t know; it may come off before then. It may happen that the world rejects it, the technology doesn’t quite measure to standards and it doesn’t happen for another 100 years.

“But the point is, you have a global institution, not only planning it, but putting it in writing and employing technology companies to pull it off. And they’re boasting about it and boasting about the benefits of it, and it’s leaping right off the pages of the Bible.”

Gallups argues those implementing the policy don’t know the full implications of what they are doing. But that won’t change their actions. He also suggested man’s pursuit of godlike technological powers has precursors in Scripture.

“By the time we get to Noah’s day [we’re told] men could do whatever their evil hearts desired,” the pastor said. “Now we don’t know the technology they had. We don’t know the full extent of what was going on. But we know it was wiped out. God said, I’m destroying it. … They knew something about genetics, they knew something about transhumanism, inhuman kinds of activities because the Bible says both man and beast were thoroughly ‘corrupted.’

“I think it’s being unveiled now. Jesus said we’re going to see it. It’s going to be like the days of Noah. And what’s the prevailing science and technology of today? We can create. We can be like God. We can give ourselves eternal life. We can mix humans and animals. We can make humans transhuman. We can recreate ecology. We can create anything! We can be like God.”

What is the solution? Gallups and the hosts of “SkyWatchTV” urge American churches to implement a prophetic prospective in their sermons.

“My point is to get America’s churches to wake up!” Gallups said. “We are now living in the most prophetic time since the first coming of Jesus Christ, the technology is now here, global institutions are planning, plotting it, writing it, declaring it, decreeing it and employing people to get it done. … We are the only generation in the history of the planet to see it coming to fruition and it can now happen.

“I’m not setting a date, but it can’t be too long before the return of the Lord because this thing is spiraling out of control.”

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Extraordinary events predicted centuries in advance are unfolding now. Here is your guide to the incredible prophecies being fulfilled before our very eyes. Don’t miss the bestselling sensation from one of America’s most prolific and beloved pastors. “When the Lion Roars: Understanding the Implications of Ancient Prophecies for Our Time” by Carl Gallups, available now in the WND Superstore.


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