In recent days, I watched as throngs of supporters of Israel unloaded from buses and blanketed Capitol Hill to meet with their members of Congress, with a singular goal in mind: to strengthen America’s relationship with our beloved ally, Israel.
Of course, this is nothing new. Strongly supporting Israel is one of the only remaining bipartisan issues left in a country that is deeply divided in so many ways.
For me, the most inspiring sight was the thousands of college and high-school students who were beginning their involvement in the political process exercising their democratic rights to engage with their elected representatives. Their excitement was palpable and reminded me of the impact every individual, including our young people, are able to make in our incredible democracy.
At its annual gathering this week, the AIPAC Policy Conference, there were tens of thousands of attendees, including 4,000 students.
It is heartening that so many young people would choose to take time out from their studies to advocate for a strong U.S.-Israel relationship. But it’s even more striking in what it hopefully means for the future of this relationship: the next generation is growing increasingly engaged, and they are ready to fight for what is right, which is standing with Israel.
Despite all our differences and policy disagreements on how best to achieve a bright future for America, support for Israel still remains a largely consensus issue in this country, bringing together liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans. It makes sense; after all, Israel is a beacon of American values in an oppressive region locked in a Dark Ages mentality. The very things that make America great also make Israel great.
I also observed this week that at the very same time so many Americans were coming together to celebrate our ties with an important ally in a crucial region, there were angry and misguided people protesting and challenging the very right of Israel to exist. It was a stark reminder: Israel’s enemies are there, and they are trying to make some noise. And young students are increasingly on the front lines of the battle to stand with Israel.
Those who would like to see Israel disappear from the map are constantly coming up with new, cynical methods to delegitimize and demonize the only Jewish state. Today the conflict is being fought through the spreading of misinformation and the drowning out of dissenting voices. And at the epicenter of this brawl is the college campus.
College campuses these days are often contentious places. If you dare to vocalize your support for the only democratic nation in the Middle East, you are likely to be accused of being a racist, of trampling human rights, of supporting an “apartheid” regime. You are likely to be told that your views are not valid. Those who loathe Israel refuse to see what is so plainly obvious: Israel remains a land of hope, innovation and rule of law that champions human rights – the very things we as Americans hold most dear.
The college campus is where the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement has sought to entrench itself and infect young minds with its poison. At universities across the nation, Israel haters hold Israel Apartheid Week demonstrations and dress as Israeli soldiers that harass students on their way to class.
The shameful bullying and crass attacks on Israel’s supporters are not only tolerated, but far too often encouraged. Unbelievably, students who speak up in support of Israel often become the targets of verbal and even physical assault.
Thankfully, there is a strong and vibrant community of young pro-Israel activists who refuse to believe the lies and who refuse to be cowed or silenced.
A strong, unbreakable bond with Israel is absolutely critical for Israelis and Americans alike. Though Israel’s detractors scream moral outrage, the truth is that supporting Israel is the only moral action. Israel faces enemies who support and employ terrorism, and seek to sow destruction and death.
Supporting Israel means supporting a democratic government that is a lone island in the midst of a sea of totalitarian regimes. Supporting Israel means advocating for a society that cultivates innovation instead of stifling it. It means supporting a government that promotes free speech, rather than quashing challenging voices with threats or imprisonment. And supporting the Jewish state means supporting a value system that places life above all else, instead of championing a culture of death and martyrdom employed by Palestinian terrorist groups such as Hamas and its supporters.
Let us be clear: The threats Israel faces from radial Islamist terrorists and nefarious dictatorial regimes are unrelenting and should be taken seriously. After all, they are the same ones we ourselves now face. Continuing to stand together, America and Israel can overcome, and we will. For young supporters of Israel, that is a message they must keep close to their hearts, and continue to make their mission.
See a video invitation to WND’s Israel Tour later this year:
[jwplayer U7ybUSNw]
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