Quick! Name one other place in the world besides Israel where discoveries like this are constantly happening.
Ken Dark, a Ph.D. archaeologist from the University of Reading (that’s in Berkshire, U.K., my friends, not Pennsylvania or California), writes in the latest issue of Biblical Archaeology Review that he thinks the childhood home of Jesus the Messiah has been identified in Nazareth. He can’t be sure, of course. That was a long time ago. But there are some significant reasons to believe it is so.
First, it was not until 2006 that experts could positively date the structure to the first century.
Second, it’s in the right city.
Third, it was originally discovered in the 1880s by nuns of the Sisters of Nazareth Convent and sits between two ancient churches – the Church of Annunciation and another that was built near a vault that contained a spring and two tombs.
Fourth is the discovery of a text written in A.C. 670 by Abbot Adomnà n of the Scottish island monastery at Iona, who describes Frankish bishop Arculf’s pilgrimage to Nazareth. In the text, it details a church “where once there was the house in which the Lord was nourished in his infancy.”
Dark concludes from the evidence he’s seen that there is just “no good reason” the courtyard-style house, carved out of bedrock, is not the childhood home of Jesus.
Joseph, Jesus’ stepfather, was a “carpenter,” of course, we read in the King James translation of the Bible. But, carpenters didn’t just work in wood, which was scarce in Israel. It is believed they also worked in stone. And that’s the kind of home you would expect from a “carpenter” circa first century Israel.
Get Joseph Farah’s newest book, the result of more than 40 years of study of scripture, “The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians and the End of the Age,” and come with him to Israel this November.
What’s the point? Am I telling you this is without question the childhood home of Jesus the Messiah?
Absolutely not.
But it could be because it is in the right place.
The only place you make archaeological discoveries like this is in Israel, the land of the Bible, the land chosen by God for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and His Son – the Savior of the world.
We know He was born there in Bethlehem. We know He lived there in Nazareth. We know He preached there in Galilee and Jerusalem and everywhere in between.
And that’s my point.
You need to go to Israel if you are a dedicated follower of Jesus the Messiah. I believe He calls His people to Israel, His homeland, the place He will return to at the end of the age, the place He will rule the world from as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Isn’t it time for you to walk in His footsteps and learn why Israel was chosen by God for the patriarchs of the faith, for all His children and His brethren?
Are you being called? Has it always been something you wanted to do – needed to do? Is the Holy Spirit knocking on the door to your heart about this?
Do you find yourself saying, “Next year in Jerusalem”?
Why next year? Why not this year?
Sometimes next year never comes. It has happened for far too many of His children.
That’s why I am writing this impassioned plea for you to come with me this year to Israel to experience this land of miracles – including modern-day miracles, little miracles happening every day. The very existence of the state of Israel is one obvious miracle – and an absolute confirmation of Bible prophecy.
That’s why I want to take you there in November for the annual WND Israel Tour in 2017.
I promise you will it be unforgettable, the experience of a lifetime, resulting in a deepening of your faith and a better understanding of what is to come in the future of your world.
I’ve been studying Bible prophecy all my adult life, and I have a yearning to introduce you to His land.
Yes, if all goes right, you might even get to meet Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister. You might get to meet David Friedman, about to be confirmed as the new U.S. ambassador to Israel.
But the biggest reason to come is to meet with the Lord, on His turf, to walk where He walked and to experience some of what He experienced – the land of His past and the Land of His future.
Israel is like no other place in the whole world. It’s the seat of His Coming Kingdom.
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Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact [email protected].