(LA Progressive) — The liberal mainstream media and the even more liberal education establishment have been making a big deal lately about how our children are falling behind in math, and how we need to put more money into teaching subjects like mathematics. And our closet Muslim former president, Barack Hussein Obama, joined the chorus, calling for even more money to be thrown down the rat hole of the federal Education Department, so it can pursue its jackbooted objective of imposing totalitarian rule on the nation’s schools. Thank God we finally have a good Christian President and Secretary of Education!
It’s time for patriotic Americans to stand up and say, “No More!” Few Americans realize that the numbers we use every day are actually Arabic numbers! Every time we write a check we slide deeper into cultural subversion. And our taxes! We have to use Arabic numbers. We always knew the IRS was suspect, but few knew that they were actually agents of Arab cultural subversion. Why, even the Bible itself is now printed with Arabic numbers for chapter and verse. This must be rooted out!
We are a Christian Nation, and the fact is that there is ABSOLUTELY NO ALGEBRA IN THE BIBLE! Why should we be teaching our children an unbiblical ideology?