Paul Ryan and his hacks despise Trump

By Mychal Massie

I unequivocally support President Trump. I believe in and support what he is doing and has done thus far. But the president is wrong on health care.

The president is right in his commitment to repeal Obamacare, but he is wrong pursuant to replacing it. He is wrong because it is not the government’s function to provide health care, nor does the government have the constitutional authority to create and provide health care.

Obamacare is an abomination, and the bill Speaker Paul Ryan designed is by all objective analysis marginally worse. The president has strongly rebuked the Freedom Caucus for providing the opposition to defeat Ryancare – but the truth is, he should be thanking them. Ryancare was a red herring destined to become an albatross around the president’s neck.

What you the people were not told is that the calls coming into Capital Hill switchboards were averaging 7-to-1 against Ryancare. But, Ryan and the “fake news” media didn’t mention that.

I contend that the Freedom Caucus can help President Trump deliver on his agenda. The phrase: “Non sibi, sed patriae,” i.e., “Not for self, but for country,” is fitting to the Freedom Caucus. Whereas the mindset of Ryan et al. is: “Not for country, but for self.”

Ryan and his camarilla are nothing but big-government Democrats masquerading in pachyderm suits. Ryan and his Erebusic marplots are not interested in serving you and me; they are interested in themselves and their handlers who fill their coffers with ill-gotten gains.

Unless, (as I would like to believe), the president is engaged in the consummate stratagem to get what he wanted from the beginning, he is listening to the wrong voices.

Eric Bolling of Fox News summed up Ryancare, saying, “The sad truth [it’s] no better” than Obamacare. Bolling continued: “I suspected as much when I first read the bill, and now the CBO has confirmed my worst fears. Make no mistake; Ryancare is Obamacare just with a different name. … Coverage is the same, costs to the buyer are not lower, and there will be a bigger burden to the American taxpayer than Obamacare. The Cadillac tax is not repealed, and a new entitlement program is enshrined in GOP clothing.” (“Ryancare Is Still Obamacare: Here Are Five Ways To Start Over,” March 14, 2017)

Ryancare would be a millstone that grinds Republicans, and specifically the president, into dust. Democrats, RINOs, and the media would claim that Obamacare met the needs of the people and that Ryancare, which would become Trumpcare, didn’t.

The president should turn to the free market and tell the health insurance companies to immediately design and create health-care coverage that meets the needs of the people.

Government is neither equipped nor is it honest enough to create a health-care system. Anything coming from government would be morass based upon false propositions smothered in fallacious evidence disguised as truth – which is exactly what Obamacare is.

The one thing Obama proved beyond any shadow of doubt is that We the People need protection from government. Sans neo-Leninist government edicts created to force compliance by We the People, the free market is incentivized to create, compete and negotiate based upon public participation.

But, when, as the saying goes, government “calls the dance and picks the music” We the People are denied our unalienable rights of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Paul Ryan despises the president and has from the beginning. He is more than willing to work in ways that lead to President Trump’s demise.

This is Trump’s “read my lips, no new taxes” moment. We the People stand with him, and we’re willing to fight with every ounce of strength we have, as evidenced by our getting him elected. He should not dismiss our concerns to make peace with the likes of Ryan.

The ability to bang a gavel doesn’t make Paul Ryan a leader. You can train a rhesus monkey to do that. Heck, Nancy Pelosi can do that. Paul Ryan is the enemy of the people and all we stand for, and he proves it at every opportunity. At the end of the day, it is We the People who stand with President Trump, not the likes of Paul Ryan.

To that end it is imperative that the president end government overreach, and that specifically includes the government usurping one-fifth of the national economy under the repeatedly discredited claim that Congress knows what is best for We the People. Our Founding Fathers knew that wasn’t the case, which is why they placed checks on the government vis-a-vis the Enumerated Powers found in Article 1, Section 8, of the United States Constitution.

Media wishing to interview Mychal Massie, please contact [email protected].

Mychal Massie

Mychal Massie is founder and chairman of the Racial Policy Center (, a conservative think tank that advocates for a colorblind society. He was recognized as the 2008 Conservative Man of the Year by the Conservative Party of Suffolk County, New York. He is a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist. Massie has appeared on cable news and talk-radio programming worldwide. He is also the founder and publisher of The Daily Rant: His latest book is "I Feel the Presence of the Lord." Read more of Mychal Massie's articles here.

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