Report: Iran walking softly with Trump in White House

By WND Staff

TRUMP Donald Trump pointing with Melania

Iran has begun walking and talking much more softly since President Trump moved into the White House, canceling plans for missile tests, and slowing down its provocations and threats to burn and sink U.S. Navy ships, reports Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

“Since the establishment of the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump, which is known to be against Iran’s revolutionary regime, Iran has faced a new reality,” says an analysis the Middle East Media Research Institute.

“On the one hand, the U.S. is acting to organize the Gulf countries and Arab countries into an arrangement that Arab media have dubbed an ‘Arab NATO’ which is aimed against Iran. On the other hand, Iran senses that despite the Iran-Russia cooperation in recent years and in various areas, Russia is abandoning it for its other vital interests, such as an understanding with the U.S. in order to advance the lifting of the sanctions against it, and an understanding with Turkey as its top regional partner,” MEMRI said.

“These developments have given rise in Tehran to a sense that it is besieged and under an emerging existential threat, in light of the crystallization of a comprehensive U.S.-Russia-Arab (including Israel) front against the Iranian revolutionary regime.”

Iran’s reaction has included “considerable military restraint and a halt to long-range missile tests, in response to the warning by President Trump,” the report said.

Earlier this year a test of its Khorramshahr missile failed. Iran was making preparations for another test when the Trump administration announced the rogue Islamic regime was being “put on notice” and decided to cancel the test.

The moves were so radical that Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh complained: “We have a missile for non-military purposes for launching satellites. But it is being put into storage because of America’s angry tone?! … How much longer will we be blackmailed and forced to compromise?”

MEMRI posted satellite images from ImageSat International showing an Iranian launch site inactive early this year and then, about the time of Trump’s inauguration, being prepared for a launch. Shortly later, however, the site went inactive again.

“Also indicating Iran’s military self-restraint were February 9, 2017, statements by Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan. On the eve of Iran’s Revolution Day, he spoke about ‘the new claim by American elements and media outlets regarding an additional missile test by Iran. These false claims,’ he added, ‘are a type of creating an enemy and Iranophobia. This is planned by the Zionist regime, which incites while spreading lies.”

The IRGC even issued an official statement that it was moving responsibility for handling crews of foreign vessels found in Iranian waters to the civilian Ports & Maritime Organization, and the regular threats to burn and sink U.S. Navy ships vanished.

For the rest of this report, and more, please go to Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

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