“Berkeley cops sit in patrol car and watch as Trump supporters attacked” – American Mirror
The fake media, left-wing blogs and the left are delighted to read the above. When the first clash at Berkeley occurred between the pro- and anti-Trump factions, the police should have acted with an iron fist. They did not, the left was winning. Beside not being “fair,” it is anti-democratic for the police to favor one faction over another. The police were “following orders,” as in the Nuremberg defense. Only following orders did not fly for the Nazis, and it will not for police. The police were the big losers in this brawl. They lost credibility.
The right, pro-Trump faction has learned violence works for the left, so they will escalate. The right will always have the 800-pound gorilla on their back, the cops. The police do favor certain groups; Black Lives Matter has been right all the time. BLM should join the pro-Trump faction. They have common cause, corrupt law enforcement.
America’s second civil war has begun. It is too soon to say who will prevail. All those who fail to speak up about the failure of law enforcement have no complaint.
Wars and politics make for strange bedfellows. Be careful who you sleep with!
Edmond Day