EU elites’ tantrum over speaking English

By Brent Smith

Liberals hate to lose. Heck, we all hate to lose. But leftists are different. They not only hate to lose, but can’t, or won’t, accept the fact that you can’t win them all. It’s like it is their birthright to win every election, every contest and prevail on every issue.

And when they don’t, we see what happens. For years, Rush Limbaugh has been repeating that yes, liberals are normally crazy – but it’s when they lose their power or get beaten on an issue that they really become unhinged.

It’s been months since liberals lost the presidential election and years since they’ve controlled both legislative Houses – yet they remain in denial, refusing to accept that they lost fair and square. For them, it will be sour grapes until they regain control – and they’ll continue to claim that there is something wrong with all of us. It’s never them or their message.

But as we know, Western-style liberals are indistinguishable the world over. They all think the same; they all act the same; and they resent anything and anyone who stands in the way of their ascent to utopian domination.

In this respect, the hierarchy of the European Union is identical to the American liberal elite. It is only proper that they control Europe and remain livid that the unwashed peasant-class in Great Britain was even afforded a vote to exit the EU. They still refuse to accept the Brexit vote and remain steadfast in their efforts to stifle the exit. How dare the Brits think they should be allowed to control their own destiny! That task, like in America, should be left to the experts.

So when I saw what The Atlantic had reported, I knew the sour grapes had not sweetened. “Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission [EC], has said ‘English is losing its importance in Europe,’ remarks that are certain to reignite tensions with the U.K. over its decision to leave the European Union,” wrote The Atlantic.

As if they need “tensions” to be “reignited.” This is what Rush meant. When liberal elitists don’t get their way they throw temper tantrums and make sophomoric remarks, in effect saying, “Well fine – we don’t need your language anyway.”

I suppose they don’t need it, if they never want to venture outside the EU. For although other nations may also speak one of the many European dialects, it is well-known that English is the language of world commerce. No matter where you go to conduct business, rest assured there will always be at least a few who speak English.

And The Atlantic adds that, “English is an official language in both Ireland and Malta, which are both EU members. The language has also been dominant across the 28-member EU since 2004 when eastern and central European countries joined. Indeed, the language remains widely spoken across much of the EU – with more than a third of the population claiming fluency in at least 13 member states – not counting the U.K. and Ireland.”

But these facts are ones of unemotional logic and practicality – something that escapes angry leftists. Liberals, as we are painfully aware, rarely allow unemotional logic and practicality to enter their cranial cavities (hat tip Rush).

Instead, Juncker said he would speak in French, as a show of solidarity with French candidate and now President-Elect “Emmanuel Macron, a pro-EU independent centrist, against Marine Le Pen, the far-right candidate who has promised her own Brexit-style referendum in France if she wins the presidency.” Independent centrist. That’s a hot one. Is that what they’re calling full-out socialists these days? I suppose Bernie Sanders is also an independent centrist – although Macron may make him look like one.

So as Hillary Clinton continues to whine, cry and point fingers at everyone but herself for her crushing defeat, as do the Dems on this side of the pond, trust that they are in good company with the spoiled children of the EU.

Brent Smith

Brent Smith, aka The Common Constitutionalist, is a constitutional conservative who advocates for first principles – the founders' original intent and enemy of progressives. He is former Navy and a martial arts expert. Smith considers himself just an average Joe with no formal journalism background – but rather than simply complain about the state of our nation, he took to the Internet to battle the left. Check out Brent Smith's blog. Read more of Brent Smith's articles here.

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