Abortion conference jokes about decapitated heads, brains, eyeballs

By Bob Unruh

A shocking new video from the Center for Medical Progress reveals abortionists discussing, and chuckling about, the hardships of their work.

You know, the “heads that get stuck,” “eyeballs in laps” and paying customers who say they “want brain.”

See the video:

[jwplayer 6jN16fni-pszPfxYQ]

The three-minute video was taken at an annual National Abortion Federation meeting and posted online by CMP investigators who went undercover to probe the abortion industry’s sale of the body parts of unborn children.

It immediately drew a stunned reaction from Lila Rose of the pro-life Live Action.

“How can the country stand by while we commit these atrocities against our own children? Planned Parenthood and NAF abortionists laugh about heads getting stuck and casually discuss the dismemberment of babies, fully formed, at five and six months. Meanwhile, their public defenders in the media and their paid spokespeople claim that the group is committing no wrong, that they are a public health service. How long will we be blind to the brutal destruction of these vulnerable babies?”

CMP over the past two years has released multiple videos of Planned Parenthood and its operations to sell unborn baby body parts. In response, a number of states have defunded the abortion industry’s largest player and Congress has moved to do the same. There have been several congressional investigations and referrals for possible charges against individuals and groups.

“Federal law prohibits selling body parts, yet the new footage also reveals more haggling by Planned Parenthood executives. The searing injustice of our time is not the selling of those parts, but the fact that a ‘doctor’ can legally tear apart a fully formed baby as long as that child remains in his or her mother’s womb,” Rose said.

Lisa Harris of Planned Parenthood of Michigan is on video stating: “Our stories don’t really have a place in a lot of pro-choice discourse and rhetoric, right? They heads that get stuck that we can’t get out.”

Susan Robinson of Planned Parenthood Mar Monte added, “The fetus is a tough little object, and taking it apart, I mean taking it apart, on day one is very difficult.”

Read the tested and proven strategies to defeat the abortion cartel, in “Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time.”

Planned Parenthood’s Deb Nucatola said, “You know, sometimes she’ll tell me she wants brain, and we’ll, you know, leave the calvarium ’til last, and then try to basically take it or, actually, you know, catch everything, and even keep it separate from the rest of the tissue so it doesn’t get lost.”

Uta Landy of the Consortium of Abortion Providers said, “An eyeball just fell down into my lap, and that is gross.”

Ann Schutt-Aine added that she would “pull off a leg, or two.”

The abortionists admitted to altering abortion procedures to preserve organs for sale and said clinics have a financial incentive to sell human tissues.

The CMP investigation was conducted by David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt. They both have since been in the bull’s-eye of abortionists and abortionist-supporting prosecutors, with Merritt, a grandmother, recently appearing in court on charges by California authorities alleging she improperly recorded people without their consent.

WND reported the California official who filed felony charges against the two had received thousands of dollars over the years from Planned Parenthood.

But the political influence on the case became crystal clear when it took three judges a total of 12 hours to allow one of the defendants who had scheduled to turn herself in to be freed on bond.

And then the bond was set at $75,000.

Alveda King told WND: “These are troublesome times, and they can be terrifying. However, as a member of the King family legacy, the family of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I can only encourage us to continue to pray, and ask God to help us.”

The new video also was condemned by the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List.

President Marjorie Dannenfelser said: “The abortion industry has engaged in a mammoth and hideous deception of the American people while all the while clearly knowing the true horror of their inhumanity to vulnerable children. Abortionist Lisa Harris urged her peers, ‘Let’s just give them all the violence, it’s a person, it’s killing, let’s just give them all that.’ Yet, the terror continues. This is the worst, most graphic conversation we have heard from the abortion industry to date. A civilized nation dares not look away from this assault on the core of our character as a people. This behavior is indefensible and must be stopped.”

She challenged Planned Parenthood chief Cecil Richards: “I dare you to call these videos ‘deceptively edited’ today. There is no way the incredibly disturbing descriptions in this footage could have been placed in the mouths of senior Planned Parenthood staff and their associates. Dr. Uta Landy, a recipient of Planned Parenthood’s highest award, is heard clearly saying, ‘An eyeball just fell down into my lap.’ Since when do clumps of cells have eyes?”

She said it’s critical that lawmakers defund Planned Parenthood, redirecting the hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars each from the abortionists to community health centers.

“This is a life or death situation. The new footage underscores the urgent need for Congress to stop the flow of tax dollars to Planned Parenthood. Every day babies die violently at the hands of Planned Parenthood abortionists who describe strategically tearing children apart to sell their individual limbs, liver, and brain. Taxpayers have had enough of forced complicity in these horrors,” she said.

One of the original videos showed an official admitting Planned Parenthood sells fully intact aborted babies.

[jwplayer RiJygVb1]

Another has Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood commented on crushing babies.

“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact,” she said.

[jwplayer 7pzwagZg]

In the second video, Planned Parenthood’s Mary Gatter discussed how her compensation for organs could rise when she said, “I want a Lamborghini.”

[jwplayer vbPjx8h2]

The fifth video released shows Melissa Farrell of Planned Parenthood’s Houston clinic discussing “intact fetal cadavers”:

[jwplayer 6YZC1nO2]

The seventh video has the testimony of a Planned Parenthood worker who tapped an aborted infant’s heart and saw it start beating.

[jwplayer 5wFzwlF1]

Read the tested and proven strategies to defeat the abortion cartel, in “Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time.”


Bob Unruh

Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially. Read more of Bob Unruh's articles here.

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