Scuba diver finds engagement ring lost in river

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(GOOD MORNING AMERICA) — Newlyweds Brooke and Steven Leavins never gave up hope of finding Brooke Leavins’ lost engagement ring.

Brooke Leavins lost the diamond ring after she applied sunscreen while on a boat on Alabama’s Coosa River.

“I had it on my finger and silly me, I just cleaned it that morning and I thought, ‘Oh, I don’t want to get sunscreen all over it’ and put it in the cup holder,” Brooke, 39, of Wetumpka, Alabama, told ABC News. “I had it in my fingertips and a bug landed on my arm and I went to flick the bug and I hit my fingertips on the Bimini rail and it just flew out into the water.

“It was our very first time out on our brand new pontoon boat and that was our very first experience,” she added of the fateful day. “We were having such a good time and then that happened and everyone was solemn. My husband said he couldn’t even look at that boat for the next several days until we went back out to look for it.”

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