The latest snowflake f-bomb tantrum

By Brent Smith

I always believed that being a liberal was the easiest thing on earth – that it takes virtually no thought at all. Apparently, I was wrong. Turns out that being a modern-day leftist is hard – keeping up with daily shifts in gender, microaggressions, trigger words, safe space locations, etc. I’m tired (and disappointed) just thinking about it.

Being a constitutional, fiscal and cultural conservative is much easier. Nothing of our core beliefs ever changes, because they never need to.

But these days, the left must always stay on top of their game. They can never take a break from their out-of control correctness, because someone even more PC will be there to call them out, as is the case this time.

Evidently, the Political Union at the University of Chicago didn’t describe an upcoming event properly, and this offended many snowflakes on campus.

Campus Reform reports that the University of Chicago’s Political Union provides a regular forum “to engage in political discourse by creating a space for individuals with diverse political views. …” From time to time they have these get-togethers they call “tea chats.” These chats always revolve around a discussion topic, and never do they involve “diverse political views.”

A recent “chat” topic was originally tweeted in the form of a question: “Was the British Empire a force for good?” Egad! Who the heck was in charge of this dissemination? And how could anyone, particularly an academic, ever even entertain the thought that racist white European imperialists could have ever been, or could ever be a force for good? The nerve of someone suggesting it, even in jest.

Of course, we on the right know that the left, especially the academic left, would not and could not jest about such things, as they are completely void of a sense of humor.

Well, the powers that be discovered their egregious error in judgment and sent out a tweet to set the record straight, but not before they received many scathing retorts to their original post.

One student wrote of the original topic title: “What is wrong with you people?” Another, more foul-mouthed snowflake, who was offended by even the suggestion that Brits may have made a contribution to mankind, wrote: “you m**herfu**ers needed plenty of critical messages, posts, and memes to see that ‘was the British Empire a force for good’ is deeply problematic? How many white people are in this RSO?”

Instead of sticking to the original title and inviting all comers “to engage in political discourse,” the Political Union leadership folded, apologized for their insensitivity and renamed the “tea chat.” They wrote: “Hey Everyone. First off, apologies for the way we framed next weeks tea chat (as ‘was the British Empire a force for good?’). We f**ked up.”

Yes – these are the eruditions of tomorrow – the smart, well-read and well-spoken among us. Sure sounds college-edumacated – don’t it?

The Union then “reworked the event to debate whether Britain should pay reparations to its former colonies.” They claimed that they, “initially realize that it would come across as colonialism apologia.” Wow – fancy!

That’s more like it – although now it won’t be much of a debate. Check that. There will be no debate whatsoever. In fact, now that they have refocused the event, there is no need to even meet. I would venture that fully 100 percent of the participants will demand reparations.

May I make a suggestion to the Union? Save the tea, the chatting, the electricity to light the room and any other accumulated expenditures and just issue a declarative tweet: “Britain SHOULD pay reparations to its former colonies.” This is really what you all believe anyway – is it not? Although you will surely make an exception for America, which isn’t deserving.

Brent Smith

Brent Smith, aka The Common Constitutionalist, is a constitutional conservative who advocates for first principles – the founders' original intent and enemy of progressives. He is former Navy and a martial arts expert. Smith considers himself just an average Joe with no formal journalism background – but rather than simply complain about the state of our nation, he took to the Internet to battle the left. Check out Brent Smith's blog. Read more of Brent Smith's articles here.

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