2 opportunities to radicalize your faith

By Joseph Farah


Would you like to experience the miraculously radical, supernatural kind of faith that turned the world upside-down in the first century?

For the last decade or so, I feel like I have been.

Yes, I’ve not only witnessed miracles, I’ve experienced them first-hand, as I’ve testified here recently.

When we hear about people being “radicalized” in some other faiths, it’s bad news. But I believe being radicalized as a follower of Jesus is just the opposite. Look up the word “radical” in the dictionary and you’ll see what I mean.

It means “going to the root or origin” and questioning “tradition.”

That’s exactly what Jesus did throughout His earthly ministry.

He went to the root, the origin, the heart of God’s Word. Over and over again, Jesus warned not to follow the “commandments of men,” but rather the “commandments of God.” He asked of the Pharisees, the religious leaders of the day, in Matthew 15:3: “Why do you transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?” He said in Matthew 15:7-9: “But in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”

Too many believers today are doing just what the Pharisees were doing – believing the “precepts of men” rather than the eternal, never-changing commandments of God.

So, let me ask you again: Would you like to radicalize your faith this year?


If so, I want to invite you to come with me and my wife, Elizabeth, on one of two amazing adventures – opportunities to do just that in 2017.

1. In September, Elizabeth and I will be leading a cruise to Alaska with pastor Mark Biltz – three voices reflecting a move of the Holy Spirit that speak to Christians urging a rediscovery of the faith of the first century, the apostolic faith, the faith of the real “church founders,” the faith of the Scriptures.

2. In November, Elizabeth and I will lead a pilgrimage to Israel, where, in addition to seeing all the awe-inspiring sites you’ve dreamed of visiting all your life, we will share our passionately unapologetic Israel-centric view of the Bible in God’s promised land and what that means to those of us who have been adopted in to His covenants with His people through Jesus-Yeshua, the Messiah we worship and adore.

Take your pick.

Or choose both.

But don’t let these opportunities pass you by. Don’t say, “Next year.” Don’t put it off. Because everyone needs a shot of adrenaline in their spiritual life, and there’s no time like now.

Every time we lead these tours, those who come with us say they will remember them for the rest of their lives. They say they will never be the same. They say they are no longer sleepwalking through their faith life but have been recharged.

And that’s the heart and soul of what both of these spiritual deep-dive events will focus upon. Getting back to the Bible with a radically refreshing, liberating faith that turned the world upside-down in the first century.

If you don’t want that, these excursions are not for you. I’ll tell you right now. But if you are looking for a baptism of spiritual fire, an adventure into the Kingdom of God with fellow believers rediscovering the roots of their faith, you don’t want to miss at least one of these two opportunities this year.


I will be teaching from my latest book, “The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians and the End of the Age,” a different kind of prophecy book that looks into the future to see, not so much what is coming next in the world, but how we will be living in the Kingdom of God – which, he says, is a good indication of the way we should be living now. I will also be teaching from my next book, which is preoccupying much of my time today. If you want to know what it’s called, you’ll have to come on one of these two tours or wait until 2018 like everyone else.

The Alaska cruise will also feature my spiritual brother in arms – Mark Biltz, aka, “Mr. Blood Moons.”

If you want to hear from Biltz, meet with him, question him, interact with him on a weeklong, spectacular cruise to Alaska, this will be the only opportunity this year. If you want to meet with me, question me, interact with me on a weeklong spectacular cruise to Alaska, this is your only chance this year.

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The WND 2017 Alaska Cruise embarks from Seattle and features extraordinary scenery and incredible adventures as well as that “radical” teaching that can refresh, restore and reinvigorate your faith.

Time is running out to take part in this extraordinary, once-in-a-lifetime trip. Check out the luxurious ship, the incredible itinerary and book your cabin before it is too late! Then call Sovereign Cruises with any questions you may have and get registered – 877-768-2784 x109.


Then, of course, there’s the dream tour of Israel in November.

If you’ve been musing for years about going to Israel, this may be the trip you’ve been dreaming about.

If there has ever been a year to go to Israel, 2017 is it.

  • June 7, 2017, was the 50th anniversary of Israel’s retaking of its capital city of Jerusalem.
  • Nov. 29, 2017, is the 70th anniversary of the U.N.’s approval of the plan that returned Israel to statehood after a dispersion that lasted nearly 1,900 years.
  • Nov. 2, 2017, will be the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Balfour Declaration of the United Kingdom’s pledge to seek the reformation of the Jewish state in the region of Palestine. And if you go on the WND tour, you’ll be in the land on that historic date.
Ambassador David M. Friedman
Ambassador David M. Friedman

The WND Israel tour offers something else besides the greatest guides and my own “radical” teachings. The November tour, as far as I know, is the only chance you will have to meet, see and hear, in person, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and David Friedman, the new U.S. ambassador to Israel.

The coinciding anniversaries are just part of the excitement. So is the chance to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu and Ambassador Friedman. This year also marks a major breakthrough in U.S.-Israeli relations with the new leadership in the White House. And those who come with us to Israel are sure to hear about that from two men who understand it better than any others.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Visiting Israel is a life-changing experience any time you visit. It will transform the way you understand the Bible and experience God. But this year is very, very special – especially when the theme of the tour is exploring the undeniable Hebrew foundation of the Christian faith.

This trip in November is designed as an eye-opening, life-transforming tour that will allow you to see your Bible studies in HD. Picture yourself journeying through the ancient streets of Jerusalem and praying at the Western Wall. See the bustling metropolis of Tel Aviv. Worship at the empty tomb.

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So, I hope and pray to see you there. It will be an opportunity to make lifelong friends, to worship in the land God loves so much and the place from which Jesus will rule and reign for a thousand years in His Coming Kingdom.

How about talking about this over the dinner table tonight while you look over the itinerary on the WND Israel tour website? Then, tomorrow morning, call our good friends at Coral Tours at 1-866-267-2511 with any questions you might have or register now with early-bird booking rates and make your plans. Repeat after me: Not NEXT year in Jerusalem. THIS year in Jerusalem!

What’s it going to be – Israel or Alaska? Or will you be joining us on both amazing, unforgettable adventures?

Read Joseph Farah’s latest book, “The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians and the End of the Age,” for more on the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith to better understand the Coming Kingdom. Bring it on the trip and get it signed!

Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact [email protected].

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Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.

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