Recent revelations that former New York Times reporter and just-fired CNN editor Eric Lichtblau created a wholly false “Russia story” that resulted in his being forced out of even despicable CNN sadly comes as no surprise.
Before this demise, triggered by his leftist unbridled hatred for President Donald Trump, Lichtblau was the partner of New York Times national security reporter James Risen. They both collaborated to write articles and a book titled “Pay Any Price,” which trashed the reputation of Dennis Montgomery, the NSA/CIA whistleblower who, under grant of immunity from the U.S. Department of Justice, produced 47 hard drives and over 600 million pages of information, proving that the FBI under former directors Robert Mueller and James Comey, as well as the National Security Agency (NSA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Director of National Intelligence (DNI), illegally spied not just on Trump before he became president, but also the chief justice of the Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges, prominent businessmen and even yours truly.
Risen and Lichtblau wrote in widely published writings that Montgomery, a computer expert who was hired though a contractor shortly after September 11 to develop software to de-encrypt messages shown on Al Jazerra from Osama bin Laden to his troops, had committed one of the biggest hoaxes in American history with his counter-terrorism efforts. It is now clear that Risen and Lichtblau were put up to do this hit job on Montgomery by the so-called Obama Deep State, since he represented a threat to them. Indeed, for this defamation, Risen was sued by Montgomery in a civil case I initially filed in the federal court in Miami. After some discovery, the case was transferred to the federal court in the District of Columbia where an Obama-appointed judge – you guessed it – dismissed the complaint. Montgomery and I then took the case on appeal, which is where it rests today, hopeful that the three judge panel will reverse the decision of the lower court judge. See Montgomery v. Risen (Case No. 16-7096).
But that aside, this whole episode points out not just the power of the mainstream leftist media, but also the hateful venom of reporters such as Risen and his sidekick Lichtblau, who have lost all semblance of objectivity and have simply become the tool of the anti-conservative, anti-Trump propaganda machine. To be able to get sources for their writings from the FBI and the intelligence agencies, these reporters have to do their bidding, attempting to destroy persons like Montgomery who get in their way and have the ability to bring down the likes of Comey, Mueller, James Clapper, the former Obama DNI who lied under oath that mass surveillance was not occurring, and the dishonest former Obama CIA Director James Brennan, who was even caught illegally spying on Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein – then head of the Senate Intelligence Committee – and then, like Clapper, lied under oath to Congress about it.
Last Friday, the Honorable Richard J. Leon held a status conference in the case Montgomery and I recently filed against Comey, the FBI and the intelligence agencies not just over their illegal and unconstitutional spying against Montgomery and me, but also for covering up the unconstitutional surveillance on tens of millions of American citizens. Several times in the last months the cellphones and computers of Montgomery and I have been breached by these corrupt, criminally minded defendants, as they remain worried about our efforts to bring their criminality to the attention of members of Congress and the courts. In addition, the case pleads for large damages and seeks to preserve the evidence Montgomery provided to Congress before it all was covered up by the two-faced establishment hack Comey, who puts his own interests ahead of the nation. And, Montgomery’s treasure trove of data and his testimony to FBI Special Agents Walter Giardina and William Barnett, who were assigned by Comey to lure Montgomery into disclosing to the FBI all that he knew, implicates former FBI Director Mueller in crimes against the citizenry and nation as well.
After the initial status conference, where Judge Leon ordered the defendants to preserve the evidence and testimony Montgomery had provided to Comey, last Tuesday he ordered an expedited briefing schedule for the case to go quickly to a preliminary injunction hearing. We commend Judge Leon for his diligence as this Orwellian violation of our Constitution must not be allowed to continue for even one day, as the court has previously recognized.
But Comey and the rest of the defendants know no bounds. They believe and act as if they are above the law, and, but for Montgomery and me, no one will seek to hold them accountable. This is because our elected representatives, to use the term representatives loosely, are afraid of the defendants; that is, if they delve too deeply into the mass criminality, Comey, the FBI, and the intelligence agencies may seek to turn their sights against them like they have against President Trump.
We live in very dangerous times and when the Obama Deep State and the rest of our generally corrupt government breaks away from We the People and works against us in this sinister way, then a second revolution is at hand. Montgomery and I seek to bring about justice peacefully, but others may not be so inclined.
Media wishing to interview Larry Klayman, please contact [email protected].