If one only read Todd Starnes for the humor (not all that different from the talent of Mark Twain, mind you), it would be well, well worth it.
Take for example his latest offering, “The Deplorables’ Guide to Making America Great Again,” which starts off with one wickedly delicious sentence, as Starnes memorably describes how he manages to co-exist with left-wing neighbors in Brooklyn:
Then my cover as a conservative was literally blown when my vegan neighbors caught me smoking a pork butt. For you readers who live in the Upper East Side, pork butt is not a euphemism for some untoward behavior. It’s just good eatin’. Well, the smell of smoking meat nearly set off a small panic on Brooklyn’s Fifth Avenue. Just imagine nearly getting trampled by a thundering herd of vegetarian hipsters stampeding to their safe spaces. You’d be surprised how fast they can move in those skinny jeans.
As a bonus, the book is much, much more than that. Entertaining, yes, but a clarion call for the tens of millions Hillary Clinton managed to further alienate in her march to presidential campaign futility immortality.
Who can forget Clinton’s untoward remark that many of Donald Trump’s supporters are “deplorables.” It was a putdown of staggering proportions, when one considers the pantheon of narcissism that is the hallmark of Dems who just want us to shut up and take it.
Starnes has tapped into the rage and/or bemusement we Deplorables feel when navigating a country that would look alien to our Founders. The Fox commentator takes a quite interesting slant that while Trump might undo some or even much of the damage Obama did to America, we can’t count on it. He rightly remarks that we are running out of time.
Now available in the WND Superstore: Todd Starnes’ “One Generation Away” and “God Less America.”
Starnes calls on individual Americans to save the country, not the White House. At the end of each chapter, he provides some practical steps for moving forward.
There are of course myriad reasons we are in trouble. In Chapter 5 (“Indoctrination 101”), Starnes points out that academic bias against Christians is not confined to the coasts. In fact, in two chilling examples from Missouri State and North Carolina St. – from the Midwest and the South – students are discriminated against because they believe in Jesus Christ. As Starnes states forcefully in “The Deplorables’ Guide,” it is simply not acceptable that Americans who are still the backbone of this great nation stand-down when such occurs.
In his “Marching Orders” for Chapter 5, Starnes list several great tips for making a difference. Included is a suggestion to befriend your child’s school principal. We often complain about school decisions, but few take the time to let their administrators know they are not alone.
In Chapter 7, Starnes gives us some inconvenient (but vital!) facts about the enemy too many refuse to recognize. He says the FBI has open investigations into terrorists camped in all 50 states. Further, ISIS claims to have 71 operatives in 15 states.
This is valuable information and dominates “The Deplorables’ Guide.” The future of our country is literally at stake. To put a finer point on it, Deplorable, the lives of you and your children are at stake. Todd Starnes has provided a mighty effort in mobilizing those who voted for Trump not to shrink from the fight just because “our guy” got into office.
Starnes also provides examples of Americans who are following that line of patriots who came before us:
Jacob Feazel of Bunker Hill, Indiana, is a classic example of this new kind of American patriot. The seventeen-year-old created a stirring piece of artwork that celebrated our nation. The artwork depicts an American flag made from more than forty-four hundred toy soldiers. The Kokomo Tribune reported that it took the teenager more than fifty-six hours of work over eleven days to create the masterpiece.
“The Deplorables’ Guide” is really, really, really good. So good that I recommend you get a copy for several friends and family members. Frankly, it’s the kind of book that is reader-friendly and will no doubt stir readers to action and vigilance. After all, we don’t want to end up the way Jerry Falwell once described too many people in this country: “Christians quit when they lose, and they quit when they win.”