A voter revolt against GOP

By WND Staff

Once again, incumbent Republican senators seem more a tuned to the Democratic agenda than of the newly elected Republican president. Cowardly GOP Senate incumbents, seemingly, fail to recognize the trap before them, as their majority refuses to repeal Obamacare. Failure to implement the Trump agenda will result in Republican senators appearing as no different than Democrats.

Why vote for a Republican senator that sides with Democrats?

GOP policy of embracing incumbent candidates denies the right of the people to decide, ensures corruption, impairs performance and promotes voter apathy. Political inbreeding. “To hell with the voter,” is what’s inferred.

Weak leaders imperil troops, Sen. McConnell. Disgraceful!

Trumps’ supporters are angry and will not vote for some Senate majority members in 2018. Liberals are salivating at the prospect. Republicans are causing a voter revolt by ignoring the known will of the people. President Trumps’ election is proof of this. All the Democrats must do to set their trap is remain silent or voice opposition to arrogant Republicans when they ignore their voter base (the Trump supporters). Protest voters lack allegiance to a party. But, they still vote! They vote on issues.

Now, the Trump voters are irritated with the fake scandals and delay tactics promulgated by the minority party yet allowed by the majority. REPUBLICAN WIMPS do nothing, again!

The GOP is stupid, restricting competition for incumbent senator seats. Impunity thereby is granted for RINOs.

Republican Party attitude is the best sales tool for a third party. Just try communicating with them – absent a donation! Voters come and go every election cycle. But, not next time. A voter revolt is underway.

Change is desperately needed to align the conservative party faithful and its senators. Else, why have a party that resembles the opposition?

A Trump-like upset is needed in GOP Senate races. Amputation of Senate RINOs can only be accomplished with strong backing of voters, including protest voters.


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