Hi, Joseph. Thank you for your column “‘You didn’t build that’ 5 years later” exposing the federally established (by our Supreme Court) radical humanist religious dogma of government is god!
As you have repeatedly stated, one of the many issues our Lord Jesus Christ had against the Pharisees was their willingness to put the commands of men above the commands of God!
Intrinsically, by very definition, humanists put the commands of men above the commands of God – a God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ whom they deny even exists! That makes humanists Pharisees of the highest order. For more attributes and rebukes of the Pharisees, read Matthew chapter 23.
Jesus taught us to beware the leaven of the Pharisees, where leaven is defined by Jesus Himself as the teaching of the Pharisees. He also repeatedly warned us that a little leaven leavens the whole lump.
Sadly, while sleeping, we have allowed that toxic leaven (radical humanist teaching that intrinsically puts the commands of men above the commands of God) to permeate His church, our schools, our history, our science, our courts and the highest levels of our government!
By design of radical humanist courts, we are not moving forward; we are rapidly falling away from our God and our constitution.
While men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares in the field.
Awake you who sleep, arise from the dead and Christ shall give you light!
Hey, church, look up. The time of His coming is drawing near and the wheat will be separated from the tares!
Clay Potter