Watch free premiere of new Israel film right here

By WND Staff


For thousands of years, it seemed the prophecy was a lie.

Nothing grew in the land. The great monuments and buildings had become ruins. And the very people who comprised the nation were exiles wandering around the globe.

But God never lies, and His word is true. And He proved it with the return of the Jewish people to Israel, now a living miracle in the Middle East.

A thrilling new film, “I Am Israel,” directed by David Kiern, shows how the Jews are returning to their biblical homeland and “making the desert bloom.” Featuring interviews with Israelis from all walks of life, from cowboys, to tour guides, to artists, it is an intimate look at the most fascinating nation in the world.

Indeed, from a secular point of view the country has no business existing.

“I think we have a privilege of seeing with our own eyes the words of the Book materializing and becoming a reality,” Rabbi Yehuda Glick says in the film. “In the history of mankind, there has never been a nation that left its homeland and returned to its homeland, not after 2,000 years!”

The film is narrated by well-known actor John Rhys-Davies, beloved for his portrayals of the curmudgeonly dwarf Gimli in the “Lord of the Rings” films and Indiana Jones’ sidekick Sallah. The Hollywood star’s baritone is a perfect accompaniment to the grandeur of the setting and the magnificence of the story.

“For nearly two millennia, the promised land of the Bible was a barren wasteland,” says Rhys-Davies in the film. “Its archeological ruins a reminder of its glorious history. Its people scattered throughout the four corners of the world. But towards the end of the 19th century, things began to change. A new wind began to breathe through this land. There is a prophecy in the Bible about God returning a valley of dry bones to life. Many believe this prophecy is unfolding before our very eyes.

“Today, the nation of Israel is experiencing a dramatic renaissance never before seen in human history. In a land that was barren for nearly 2,000 years, life is bursting forth. Acres of vineyards and olive groves are transforming rocky mountains. From every nation on Earth, Christian tourists are coming here by the millions, fulfilling their dreams of walking in the very places where their Savior walked. And most miraculously of all, Israel is once again becoming the home of the once scattered Jewish people. Over the last century, they have returned here by the millions – from the north, south, east and west. We are living in the times spoken of long ago – the times when this nation would be reborn.”

One of the main themes of the film is how welcoming Israel is to tourists, guests and pilgrims. And 2017 is an especially auspicious year for the Jewish state.

  • June 7, 2017, will be the 50th anniversary of Israel’s retaking of its capital city of Jerusalem.
  • Nov. 29, 2017, is the 70th anniversary of the U.N.’s approval of the plan that returned Israel to statehood after a dispersion that lasted nearly 1,900 years.
  • Nov. 2, 2017, will be the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Balfour Declaration of the United Kingdom’s pledge to seek the reformation of the Jewish state in the region of Palestine.

For that reason, the 2017 WND Israel Tour, led by Joseph and Elizabeth Farah, is shaping up to be the most exciting ever. Indeed, Joseph Farah calls the regathering of Israel “God’s greatest miracle of modern times.”

As one Israeli notes in the film, there were only about 60,000 Jews in what is now Israel at the turn of the last century. Today, there are more than 6 million.

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Experience the miracle. It’s one of the most important anniversaries in Israel’s history – and this will be an experience unlike any other. Fulfill the dream of generations by embarking on a pilgrimage to Israel. Join us on the 2017 WND Israel Tour led by Joseph Farah. It’s a life-changing experience – and, more than ever, one you can’t afford to miss!

Johnathan Rosenburg, an Israeli cowboy interviewed in “I Am Israel,” who served in the Israeli Defense Forces, says Jews all around the world are hearing the call to return to their biblical homeland, partially because of rising anti-Semitism.

“We have less people than most armies, but because of people’s love for this nation, they fight with so much more passion,” he said of the army in which he served. “We’re not going out of the offensive to attack other people. But if we get attacked, we’re going out.

“There’s definitely something happening, whether it’s in Europe or whether it is in the states. People my age, the younger kids, especially a lot of kids in college, are getting a lot of hate. There’s a lot of anti-Israel in it. It’s definitely breeding a new love and a new calling for people to come to Israel. There’s been an abundance of people from where they felt comfortable to come out here and start a new life. There’s something out there. There’s something in the air that’s changed. It’s definitely having a big effect on kids wanting to come out and join the IDF, or coming to live in Israel itself and, you know, ‘git r’ done.'”

Another Israeli interviewed speaks about the impact of learning the Bible in the very places where the prophets walked and where the great events took place.

“We can just look around and place the stories exactly where it happened, because it is just so close,” she said of her home.

The 2017 WND Israel Tour provides an opportunity to do just that, if only temporarily. And as the film “I Am Israel” shows, Israel is nothing less than a living miracle in the world today. Speaking of Israel’s success in reintroducing agriculture, vineyards and olive groves into the area, one Israeli marveled in the film, “The land came back to herself, it’s like a dead man that came back to life.”

“To me Israel is the best proof God exists and is still acting in our world,” he continued. “I don’t think you can find better proof.”

Artist Alex Levin, another Israeli featured in the movie, invites Christians to his country.

“I want to invite to Israel not just Jews, but also Christians, because this is a place that wants to embrace all of the people from all over the world,” he says.

God Himself, as Scripture says, always is focused on Israel and on one city in particular.

“In all of the Bible, there is but one city where God promised His eyes and His heart will always be – Jerusalem,” Rhys-Davies says in the film. “Established by King David as Israel’s eternal kingdom and revered throughout history as the spiritual heart of the world, Jerusalem has been the focus of more conflict, and more joy, than any other city in history.”

For thousands of years, visiting this sacred city, and the Holy Land, was out of reach for Christians. Today, this year, you can be in Jerusalem and experience the miracle of Israel with the best touring group imaginable.

“I Am Israel” is available for viewing below:

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And once you’ve seen that, go to so you can witness how God is working in the world today. The tour takes place Nov. 2-12, 2017. And if you want to be a part of the next chapter in the remarkable story unfolding in Israel, your time to sign up is running out.

Joseph Farah issued a challenge, “See this movie and tell me why you’re not going to Israel with us in November.”

Experience the miracle. It’s one of the most important anniversaries in Israel’s history – and this will be an experience unlike any other. Fulfill the dream of generations by embarking on a pilgrimage to Israel. Join us on the 2017 WND Israel Tour led by Joseph Farah. It’s a life-changing experience – and, more than ever, one you can’t afford to miss!


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