Is it enough for the dumbbells?

By WND Staff

Good morning, Patrice.

First I want to say I wish I had written that! [“14 lessons for stupid people”] I was born the day the stock market crashed and have worked hard all my life.

I feel so frustrated today listening to all those “smarty pants ” on TV with their opinions. I do not want to hear what they think; just give me the facts and then shut up. I miss the days when the TV went off at midnight, Johnny Carson was funny and not vulgar, movie stars were not worshiped, and the protesters were at work making a living for themselves.

You covered everything that the dumbbells need to think about. But, do they listen? Do they read history? Do they think about anything or anyone but themselves?

The thousands who demonstrate at the G-20 summit should all be in jail. I wish they could all be sent to a desert island and have to exist or die!

Thank you for your thoughtful advice to the young.

Shirley McCord

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