Mom studies Bible with her son’s murderer

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(Adventist Review) Brazilian Seventh-day Adventist mother who launched a ministry to prisons after studying the Bible with her son’s murderer is one of the leaders behind an initiative to provide Bible studies to hundreds of inmates in Itabuna, Bahia.

Inmates in the Itabuna Prison in Brazil can now apply for a sentence reduction after completing a Bible course offered by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the area. On May 9, after a meeting with legal and management officers at the correctional facilities, the Adventist-born “Jesus at Prison School” Project was made official. On the same day, the first cohort of twelve students got their certificates after completing the Bible course offered by Adventists.

Course content is divided into 18 lessons, and spread out over five or six sessions which can be completed within a month, depending on prison activities. At the end of the course, students fulfilling the requirements get a certificate and the right to a sentence reduction of one day for 12-course hours.

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