Dear Pat,
I always look forward to your writings. Your Independence Day submission’s truths evoked a sinking feeling in my heart, which likely reveals both my age and upbringing.
Most disturbing to me is that I don’t see any way to return to the state of national unity we both remember from our youth. It was ingrained in so many ways that I never sensed at the time – like the Pledge in public school, or the Apostle’s Creed in many churches. As these things gradually waned, I also did not sense the cultural shift as it was occurring.
One positive I can draw from this is that there were enough American’s who yearned to “make America great again” that the most improbable candidate was elected to the highest office. I still believe he is better than the alternative, but it’s really a shame that an independent third-party candidate cannot compete in our national political climate.
The other positive is that from my readings of the Bible, it would seem that all of this is included in prophetic writings, which will hopefully strengthen the faith of those in the Christian churches.
Mike M.