Concerned American parents have come to expect leftist nonsense from the National Education Association, but leaders of the nation’s largest union (around 3 million members) have become frankly unhinged, even marginally seditious.
The Trump presidency is sending these radicals over the edge. This year’s NEA annual meeting held in Boston during Fourth of July week featured proposals laced with anti-Trump language, defiance of American immigration law, refusal to cooperate with ICE agents and support for sanctuary cities.
But NEA also hopes to rigidly control the avenues of information on issues of concern to Christians. The NEA entertained a measure to expel the ex-homosexual educators’ exhibit from the convention (New Business Item 86) and creation science educators (NBI 154). Its adopted language on the final day ended up with qualified permission to remain for both, under scrutiny for “offensive” content.
What’s “offensive” is the blatant bias of these union thugs that in many states teachers and school staff are compelled by law to support. There’s nothing disturbing about the choice to leave homosexuality. Isn’t this being “fluid”?
Yet NEA inadvertently gave lots of publicity to the hope for healing from sexual sin. Praise God!
The only good news is that not all teachers or even delegates agree with NEA leadership’s race to the bottom.
On the sexual anarchy agenda, the NEA’s recent meeting pushed the limits of anti-morality extremism promoted to children, bemoaning the alleged denial of the “civil rights” of student and teacher “LGBTQ” practitioners. The union plans to lobby for pro-homosexual laws at the state level as they try to eradicate “homophobia” and what they consider hate speech.
One proposal, New Business Item 30, embraced open partnership with known anti-Christian bullies, the Southern Poverty Law Center and Human Rights Campaign, to become leftist watchdogs:
“NEA will track incidents of discrimination, racism, homophobia and transphobia, as well as anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and all other forms of religious discrimination, and bigotry in our public schools. The data will be shared with districts to educate and eradicate hate through the development of programs. …”
NEA has allocated $60,500 to this effort to discourage bigotry in our schools, but is likely to be selective. Encouraging tolerance toward students with conservative and Christian values won’t show up on this agenda.
The reality of leftist union fascism welcomes partnership with an organization (SPLC) that includes on a mostly-fraudulent “hate” list, conservative groups representing millions of Americans, including mine, Mission America.
The original proposal to expel the “Ex-Gay Educators” exhibit claimed it was “offensive” and “discriminatory.” The radicals who hold so much sway in this group are desperate to suppress the option to leave these sins behind. These exhibitors’ material will now be reviewed by committees under the supervision of NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia.
Hmmm. Is this a set-up? Lily’s son is a homosexual. Here’s a recap of Lily’s exultation in 2015, as she gushed in her keynote address about the Obergefell decision:
“And one week ago … the Supreme Court decided on our side and on the right side of history. And my son, Jeremy, called me and said, ‘Ma! Mike and I are no longer living in sin!'”
Given its open support of deviancy, it was no surprise that, through New Business Item 49, NEA recommended use of a long-discredited publication by GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, called “Just the Facts.” It’s full of misinformation and pro-homosexual propaganda. Another measure recommended Gender Spectrum, which advocates gender confusion and rebellion among children.
Bitter about Trump’s support for school choice and stung by the loss of their endorsed candidate, Hillary Clinton, NEA’s agenda reflected an aspect of payback, even advocating disobedience of American law.
Should any professional group based in America actively seek to undermine law and order in its host country?
NEA’s annual budget is around $367 million, not accounting for the cushy, separate budgets of its state affiliates.
It’s a taxpayer-funded fifth column with nefarious goals.
So in states where teachers are forced to pay dues to this extreme organization (like Ohio, still not a right-to-work state), educators are compelled to support action to disobey federal law?
It’s the taxpayers in those states who foot this bill for public school teacher salaries.
NEA believes it’s “authoritarian” to simply enforce long-existing U.S. law. It’s “scapegoating” to ask people entering our country to identify themselves and obtain permission to visit and stay – like every other sovereign nation does.
These people are uninformed idiots, or very wicked. Or both.
The NEA advocates breaking U.S. law in adopted NBI 18:
“The NEA will oppose deportations and state that public school staff should decline cooperation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials or any official seeking immigration information. …”
And this, NBI 94:
“The NEA supports sanctuary cities and schools and opposes any attacks and attempts to penalize and prohibit such sanctuaries. …”
The NEA will aggressively continue the mythology that “civil rights” exist for students and teachers involved in homosexual behavior or gender rebellion. The union is upset that “civil rights protections” have been “rolled back” under this administration. This misstates the reality that no federal law extending civil rights on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity exists, and Barack Obama merely attempted to invent such rights out of thin air via several executive orders.
NEA is livid that some of Obama’s unlawful orders are being overturned, particularly the illegitimate application of Title IX to gender-confused students.
And is NEA fomenting revolution in Hawaii? Consider the outrageous New Business Item 37, which passed:
“The NEA will publish an article that documents the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy in 1893, the prolonged illegal occupation of the United States in the Hawaiian Kingdom, and the harmful effects that this occupation has had on the Hawaiian people and resources of the land.”
Is it time for an investigation of this union by the DOJ, Department of Labor and/or individual states’ attorneys general?
Many are beginning to think so.
Media wishing to interview Linda Harvey, please contact [email protected].