New Senate health-care bill aims to appease conservatives

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(NBC News) Details of the highly anticipated Senate health care bill revision released Thursday show the bill keeps in place deep cuts to Medicaid and the elimination of the current mandate requiring people to purchase insurance.

The new version has changes designed to address concerns of both moderate and conservative Republicans, including a last-minute addition from Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, to allow individuals to purchase cheaper, skimpier health plans. It also keeps some of the Obamacare taxes on the wealthy as an enticement for moderate votes.

But even with the changes, some key senators emerged from a nearly hour-long briefing on the contents of the plan still expressing deep reservations. Two senators — Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Rand Paul, R-Ky. — have already said they are opposed to the bill and will vote against a motion to proceed, the necessary vote for the measure to be brought before the Senate. If Republicans lose any more votes, the bill will languish for a second time.

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