Pray and commit

By WND Staff

Hi, Joseph. Thanks to you and all of WND for standing up for our constitutional republic and our Declaration of INDEPENDENCE! And thank you for presenting the truth that gives us the ability to defeat the lies that flood from many other sources!

We have many things to celebrate, which derive from our founding documents AND the sacrifices of millions of patriots. We can be proud that reverence for God is critical even though that has been tarnished over the last 20 years by those who are driving a secular, globalist agenda.

Now we are in a great civil war that challenges our very survival. This could be our last opportunity to reclaim our heritage, reassert God’s principles in our society and repent so that God can heal our land.

As we celebrate this holiday I suggest we focus fervent prayers by all Christians to take a stand for God and Country! And as an army of Christian soldiers with the powers of God, we should make the same level of sincere commitment made by our Founding Fathers: “… with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”

May God bless our efforts! I pray for you and WND daily. May God Bless America!

Curt Shuler

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