A major crime wave is ravaging your neighborhood – not only frequent break-ins and burglaries, but armed robberies, assaults and even murders. What do you do?
Do you arm yourself and make sure your doors are locked at night and add a security system? Or … do you intentionally leave your doors unlocked and post a large, brightly lit sign saying, “Welcome criminals and psychopaths, there’s a lot of money in here, the doors are unlocked and we are unarmed”?
In today’s America, one of the two major political parties favors the latter option.
Case in point: High-profile Democrat Rahm Emanuel is currently mayor of Chicago, where more than 4,000 people were shot last year, 762 of them murdered. The former Obama White House chief of staff is proud that Chicago has some of the nation’s most stringent gun-control laws, even though decades of research proves more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens reliably results in less crime. Worse, the mayor defiantly boasts of his determination to keep Chicago a “sanctuary city” – meaning the city’s police are prohibited from cooperating with federal law enforcement in getting criminal illegal aliens off the city’s streets by deporting them. Indeed, the “sanctuary city” designation serves as a “Welcome” sign to violent criminal illegals, assuring them that Chicago, like hundreds of other sanctuary cities, is a “safe space” for them.
Unfortunately, it’s not just with regard to immigration and gun control that the left piously champions policies that utterly defy common sense. It’s the same in virtually every area of life.
This is the focus of the unusual and insightful July issue of WND’s monthly Whistleblower magazine, titled “THE LEFT’S WAR ON COMMON SENSE.”
Issue highlights include:
- “The left’s war on common sense” by David Kupelian. From men in dresses to welcome signs for criminals, the meltdown continues
- “7 examples of mainstream leftism devoid of common sense” by David Limbaugh. Not attracted to transgenders? You’re ‘deeply transphobic.’ Oh, and Trump labeling ISIS ‘losers’ will increase terrorism. Any questions?
- “Why no one shouts ‘Jesus is great’ when they kill” by Joseph Farah, on how many defenders of Islam “live in the realm of make-believe, denial and non-acceptance of reality”
- “If a Trump supporter had shot a Democratic congressman” by Dennis Prager, who explains, “Hysteria is to the left as oxygen is to biological life”
- “Female athletes crushed by ‘women who were once men'” by Chelsea Schilling. An astonishing, in-depth look at how transgenders today dominate in weightlifting, track, wrestling, football, basketball, mixed martial arts and other women’s sports
- “Trigger warning! Schools go ballistic over non-existent guns” by Bob Unruh. From pens to Pop-Tarts, 15 cases of administrators going nuts over harmless words or images
- “Sanctuary cities ‘violate common sense'”
- “Magic words: Political correctness is ‘an insidious frontal attack on common sense and freedom through language manipulation'” by David Kupelian
- “Of chimps, persons and human-ness” by Rita Dunaway, who explains why “Today’s judiciary often invents complex, counterintuitive answers to such fundamental questions as who is a person?”
- “Is today’s far left ‘possessed’?” by John Zmirak. “We’re not just dealing with bad ideas, but evil spirits.”
“This fascinating issue of Whistleblower,” says WND Managing Editor David Kupelian, “explores how what we cryptically call ‘the left’ is at war with all that America once most cherished – freedom, the Christian faith, morality, law and order, equality under the law, limited government and unlimited opportunity – and that the primary battle in that war is its ongoing frontal attack on common sense. For common sense is truly the gateway to the rest of our nation’s virtues.”
SPECIAL OFFER: For a limited time, subscribe to Whistleblower, renew or give a gift subscription for one year and you’ll get $10 off the already discounted rate (pay only $39.95 instead of the usual $49.95), plus you’ll receive a very special free gift:
You’ll get the new, must-see, inspirational movie “Every Boy Needs a Hero,” from the makers of the blockbuster Christian film “Alone Yet Not Alone.”
In “Every Boy Needs a Hero,” Burgess Jenkins (“Remember the Titans,” “Nashville,” “The Shunning”) stars as Joe Finn, a legendary children’s baseball coach who prioritizes fame and fortune in the big leagues over time with his family. When his wife takes ill, Joe has no choice but to return home and pick up where he left off with his now-adult son, David. In an attempt to reconnect, Joe and David form a new baseball league to reinvigorate an underdog Little League team. In an ironic twist, Joe requires the fathers of his new players to prioritize their sons’ baseball games over their own respective careers. The result is a powerful and heartfelt movie about forgiveness, compassion and family.
“I love this film … It is deeply touching.” – Stormie Omartian, bestselling author of “The Power of Praying” series
“’Hero” is a terrific, must-see movie! The themes include forgiveness and the willingness to move forward. … We are most happy to award our Faith Friendly Seal to this movie for all ages. … The ending is terrific. Watch it and be inspired!” – Dove Worldview
“‘Hero’ is an excellent movie about God turning a man’s heart to his son and a son learning to forgive his father. The opening is powerful. The ending is heartrending. The drama, the acting, the jeopardy work well throughout the whole movie. This is one of the few movies that Movieguide can actually say go see it.” – Dr. Ted Baehr, founder of Movieguide
About the producer: George Escobar is vice president of WND Films and TV in charge of programming, production and strategy. Escobar produced and directed several films including “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment” for WND Films. He is co-founder of Advent Film Group, whose inaugural movie, “Come What May,” was seen by over 3.5 million people online and on TV. Escobar was vice president for Discovery, executive director for AOL and a producing fellow at the American Film Institute. He holds seven U.S. patents in technology and user interface design and has taught filmmaking to over 1,000 students.
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