NARAL hosts ‘screw abstinence party’
July 12, 2005: Some left-leaning citizens of the Washington were left “cringing” when the state affiliate of NARAL Pro-Choice America announced a “Screw Abstinence Party” to raise funds while taking a hard-edged swipe at cultural conservatives.
“Does this strike anyone else as a cringe-worthy and counterproductive theme for a pro-choice fundraiser,” asked one reader of Seattle’s “The Stranger,” who expressed his concern the event undermined “NARAL’s credibility as an organization that is seriously concerned with unwanted pregnancies by playing into the right’s stereotypes about the left as a promiscuous bunch of libertines.”
“It seems politically idiotic for the preeminent pro-choice group in the country to be sponsoring this pandering, pseudo-hipster ‘sex positive’ event.”
A promo for the event said: “Tired of Bush & Co. spending your tax dollars on abstinence-only-until-marriage initiatives that promote dangerous misinformation? Throw your hands up and say it loud: ‘Screw Abstinence!'”
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