Red-staters challenge Michael Moore film fest
July 6, 2005: Michigan may be a red state but when Michael Moore announced he would be holding a film festival in Traverse City, Genie Aldrich, who lives in nearby Suttons Bay, contacted American Film Renaissance, which sponsored what it called the “first ever conservative film festival” in 2004, to help stage a competing event.
“Traverse County went 60 percent for Bush,” Renaissance’s Jim Hubbard told WND. “That whole area is pretty much Republican.”
Some of the local townspeople were “just a little bit nervous” about the Moore event, he said. “They don’t really share Michael Moore’s worldview.”
Aldrich said when Moore announced his festival, she knew the filmmaker, whom she refers to as “Mr. Deception,” had a political agenda.
“The movies he is showing represent the minority, extreme, radical left view,” Aldrich told WND. “Even the moderate Democrats are running for the tall grass.” Local business people supporting the counter-film festival “want to show the world that this is Heartland region, and we are pro-family, pro-faith and pro-freedom.”
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