U.S. Muslim group’s congressional payola

By Mychal Massie

Somehow, I’ve ended up on the mailing list of a Muslim group out of the Oakland, California, area, whose function is helping Muslims invade our borders and circumvent our laws.

The group is called “Muslim Advocates,” and it’s what they advocate that I find so offensive and condemnable.

They are not advocating for the end to Muslim murder and mayhem. They are not advocating for Muslims to cease their threats against Jews and Israel. They aren’t advocating for Muslims to end the violent and barbaric animalistic sub-human savagery their kind commits virtually every day around the world. Nor are they advocating for ending the satanic ritual of using scissors and razor blades to butcher the genitalia of young girls and women.

Johnathon Smith, the legal adviser for the subversive group wrote me the following: “We are deeply troubled by the [Supreme Court’s] decision to allow portions of the Muslim ban to move forward. The court’s action is likely to lead to massive confusion at airports around the world, and we are concerned that there will be large-scale violations of [Muslims’] rights similar to what happened the first time the ban was implemented.”

He continued: “In light of the Supreme Court’s decision on the Muslim ban case, Muslim Advocates is hosting a community information call to explain what happened, what it means for your rights, and to share stories of how it’s impacting our community.”

Maybe I missed it (sarcasm intended), but I do not recall this Muslim snake-pit group hosting a community information call regarding how to stop Muslims from stabbing our police officers at airports. There was no community call organized to help end Muslims burning men, women and children alive in cages. There has been no call to discuss ending the throwing of acid in the faces of women. There has been no call to end Muslims raping and sodomizing women and children around the world. This pagan group, which supports Muslim debauchery and terrorism around the world, is offended by our Supreme Court taking America’s national security seriously.

What you don’t realize is how these Muslims plan to advance their evil blood-lust cult in America.

Their plan is simple: They will place tens of millions of dollars in the hands of lobbyists, and the lobbyists will scurry off to Congress and start spreading cash to buy congressional opposition. Pay attention to how fast John McCain, R-Ariz., and Paul Ryan, R-Wis., et al., start voicing opposition to any and all types of bans. They don’t care about America’s national security; those elected to office care only about where their next payola is coming from.

Has it not occurred to you to question why those you elected to serve your interests so quickly turn on We the People after being elected? It’s because, for the likes of Ryan, McCain, et al., getting elected is tantamount to hitting a nine-figure lottery jackpot. All they have to do to cash in is sell out, and that they are only too eager to do.

Pay attention in the early fall as SCOTUS readies to hear full arguments on the refugee ban. Watch to see which so-called representatives attack President Trump and SCOTUS the loudest.

Those will be the people who have taken the money, trips and property deals from lobbyists working for Muslims (and other groups), who hate our country.

Muslims are not coming here to assimilate and embrace Americanism. They are coming here to subvert our system of government. We are going to see more and more Muslims running for office and winning unless we do our jobs. It’s not the Russians who tried to sabotage our elections – it is the Muslims with oil money who are working against us. The question is, what are you going to do? Will you listen to mainstream media and congressional Muslim sympathizers who are on Muslim payrolls? Or will you show the same resolve we exhibited to elect President Trump?

One more thought presented as a question: If I hadn’t shared about Muslim Advocates, would you know they existed and what they are plotting? I’ve received many communiqués from them, and it is my duty to alert you to what they are plotting behind the backs of the American public.

Media wishing to interview Mychal Massie, please contact [email protected].

Mychal Massie

Mychal Massie is founder and chairman of the Racial Policy Center (http://racialpolicycenter.org), a conservative think tank that advocates for a colorblind society. He was recognized as the 2008 Conservative Man of the Year by the Conservative Party of Suffolk County, New York. He is a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist. Massie has appeared on cable news and talk-radio programming worldwide. He is also the founder and publisher of The Daily Rant: mychal-massie.com. His latest book is "I Feel the Presence of the Lord." Read more of Mychal Massie's articles here.

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