U.S. refugee program stained by dozens of terror attacks

By Leo Hohmann

Syrian refugee camps like this one are operated in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. More than 15,000 Syrians have found their way to the U.S. since that country’s civil war broke out in 2012.

At least 61 people who came to the United States as “refugees” engaged in terrorist activities between 2002 and 2016, according to a new report authored by the Heritage Foundation.

The report comes in the wake of the Supreme Court’s reinstatement of much of President Trump’s travel ban, and it also suggests that it’s impossible to vet Muslim refugees who may have no connections to known terrorist organizations but get radicalized after they arrive in the United States.

The Heritage Foundation identified scores of refugees, including many who came prior to 2002, as having taken part in activities ranging from lying to investigators about terror plots, to actually taking part in them. The report, aimed at reforming the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, or USRAP, calls for stricter limits and restrictions on refugees.

Under the current system, set by the Refugee Act of 1980, the president sets the annual cap on numbers of refugees allowed into the U.S. and Congress provides the funding. The State Department then contracts with nine private resettlement agencies, paying them millions of dollars per year to seed U.S. cities with Third Worlders. Since 1980 more than 3 million refugees have come to the United States, and more than 1 million of them have come from Muslim-dominated countries such as Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Sudan. Countries such as Burma and Australia have been more recently unloading their unwanted Muslim minorities on the U.S. and other Western countries.

“The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program should not be used as pretext to advocate for a global right to migrate nor is it a solution to conflict,” the study concludes. “Instead, the U.S. refugee admission program should be reformed to better advance U.S. interests.”

Just a few of the refugees and asylum seekers who have been allowed into the U.S. and later committed acts of terror included the following:

  • Somali refugee Dahir Ahmed Adan, who stabbed and wounded 10 shoppers at the Crossroads Mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota, on Sept. 17, 2016.
  • Afghan refugee Ahmad Rahimi, who wounded 29 in a pipe bomb attack on the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan on Sept. 17, 2016
  • Somali refugee Abdul Ali Artan, who wounded 11 fellow students in a car and knife attack at Ohio State University on Nov. 28 last year.
  • Uzbek refugee Fazliddin Kurbanov, resettled in Boise, Idaho, was convicted in 2015 of plotting to recruit and train American Muslims to blow up American military installations.
  • Six members of Minnesota’s Somali refugee community were arrested and convicted of trying to trying to leave the country to join ISIS in Syria.
  • A college student and Somali refugee, who later applied for and received U.S. citizenship, attempted to blow up a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Oregon. He is serving a 30-year prison sentence.
Most Somali refugees start out here, at the United Nations Daadab refugee camp on the Kenya-Somalia border. Between 5.000 and 11,000 per year are sent to the United States.
Most Somali refugees start out here, at the United Nations Daadab refugee camp on the Kenya-Somalia border. Between 5.000 and 11,000 per year are sent to the United States.

The report’s total of 61 terror-stained refugees presumably also does not include the more than 40 Somali refugees who have simply vanished from the U.S. and the FBI confirms they have successfully traveled to the Middle East to participate in jihadist operations with ISIS, al-Shabab and other terrorist organizations.

The report suggests that the more refugees allowed into a country, the more jihadists who will sneak in among their ranks.

Although that would seem obvious, it is a conclusion that the U.S. State Department and refugee supporters in Congress have tried their best to whitewash over the last two years as the refugee program has come under increased scrutiny.

Will U.S. learn from Europe’s mistakes?

Germany is a good example of what can happen. It is now home to 24,000 jihadists, according to German intel agencies. The U.K. government has admitted it has 23,000 foreign-born radicals now living within its borders.

Germany’s intel agency admitted Tuesday that hundreds of jihadists have entered Germany amid the ranks of refugees just last year. Germany absorbed more than 1 million refugees over a two-year span in 2015-16. Scores of ultra-conservative Salafist Muslims have entered Germany as well. These Salafists are not considered “dangerous” by the government but could be expected to support or incite violence by the jihadists. Salafist Islam purports to go back to Islam’s roots in the days of Muhammad and his immediate successors, such as the violent caliph Umar.

A top E.U. bureaucrat, Frans Timmermans, also admitted on Tuesday that most of the “refugees” who are flooding into Europe are not true refugees.

Rather, the vast majority are “economic migrants” seeking to better their lot in a wealthy welfare state and are not fleeing war or persecution, Timmermans said. He did, however, suggest that Western nations should take more refugees from United Nations refugee camps even as they deport the migrants who arrive by makeshift boats or storm across borders without an invitation.

Despite the assertions of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and New Urban Agenda, which have sought to expand the rights of migrants, “There is no universal right to migrate, resettlement is not the solution to mass displacement, and U.S. policymakers have a responsibility to ensure that the United States takes in only as many refugees as it can safely vet and assimilate,” the Heritage report states. “The United States operates the program not because it is obligated to resettle refugees, but because the U.S. is a humane country and USRAP serves its national interests.”

The report, authored by Heritage Foundation policy analyst David Inserra, could lend weight to the Trump administration’s effort to curtail the number of refugees who come to the U.S. every year, Fox reported.

Beware the ‘generation 1.5’

The report warns that no amount of vetting can account for the “1.5 generation” – those who come to the U.S. with peaceful intentions and then become radicalized after arriving in American cities, often while attending an American mosque.

An example of this “1.5 generation” would be Omar Mateen, son of an Afghan migrant, who killed 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, on June 12, 2016.

Sayed Farook, the son of Pakistani migrants, attacked a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California, in 2015 and killed 14.

As WND has previously reported, 85 percent of the imams heading up American mosques are foreign born, and many of them preach hatred of the United States.

The Heritage study confirms the thesis put forth in the blockbuster 2017 book, “Stealth Invasion,” that lack of assimilation is compounding the problems of mass migration to the U.S. and other Western democracies, even when such migration is done through legal channels such as refugee resettlement.

“Given the threat that we found in the 1.5 generation, more needs to be done in the U.S. assimilation process,” John Cooper, spokesman for the Heritage Foundation, told Fox News. “We can’t vet an 8-year-old to see if he will become a terrorist when he turns 18 or 28. Instead, we as a country need to rethink the way we assimilate refugees, and immigrants as a whole for that matter.

“In the past few decades, the United States has drifted from its strong assimilation ethos, and the terrorism in Europe paints a disturbing picture of where non-assimilation leads,” he added.

Earlier this year, the Trump administration cut the annual ceiling on refugee resettlement to 50,000 – a number that will be reached within the next few days. So, if the refugees continue to flow in at current levels, the U.S. will end up accepting between 60,000 and 65,000 refugees for fiscal 2017, which ends Sept. 30.

The Obama administration averaged about 70,000 refugees per year but steadily increased that number to 85,000 in fiscal 2016. Obama had wanted 110,000 to come in fiscal 2017.

“A review is especially critical following the Obama administration’s rapid, and largely unprecedented, expansion of the program in the final year of his administration,” Cooper said. “Any administration has a responsibility to ensure all existing refugee and immigration programs, including the USRAP, best serve U.S. interests.”

A U.S. State Department official told Fox News the administration will soon provide guidance regarding those already scheduled for travel before last week’s Supreme Court decision lifting an injunction against Trump’s executive order banning travel from six Muslim-majority countries that export terror.

“To be as cost-effective as possible – which saves the most lives – the U.S. should focus the majority of its refugee efforts on helping front-line states care for the refugees they shelter,” the report states.

The report suggests that the U.S. can do more to urge Middle Eastern countries – most notably the oil-wealthy Gulf States – to resettle Syrian and Iraqi refugees.

Leo Hohmann

Leo Hohmann has been a reporter and news editor at WND as well as several suburban newspapers in the Atlanta and Charlotte, North Carolina, areas. He also served as managing editor of Triangle Business Journal in Raleigh, North Carolina. His latest book is "Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration And Resettlement Jihad." Read more of Leo Hohmann's articles here.

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